Christian Boot Camp Officials Drag 15yo Girl Behind Van
Posted by Pile
(83824 views) [E-Mail link]
 [Mean People] |
Arrest warrants have been issued for two officials at a Christian boot camp, Love Demonstrated Ministries, accused of dragging a 15-year-old girl behind a van after she fell behind the group during a morning run, authorities said.
Charles Eugene Flowers and Stephanie Bassitt of San Antonio-based Love Demonstrated Ministries, a 32-day boot camp, are facing aggravated assault charges for the alleged June 12 incident. |
The two were accused of tying the girl to the van with a rope then dragging her, according to an arrest affidavit filed Wednesday by the Nueces County Sheriff's Department. Arrest affidavits for Flowers and Bassitt list a $100,000 bond.
Flowers, the camp's director, allegedly ordered Bassitt to run alongside the girl after she fell behind, the affidavit said. When the girl stopped running, Bassitt allegedly yelled at her and pinned her to the ground while Flowers tied the rope to her, according to the affidavit. |
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Posted by Anonymous on 2007-08-10 20:37:35 | source? |
Posted by Judge Judy on 2007-08-10 21:21:31 | No need to provide a source. This website exudes credibility. |
Horse's Mouth? Posted by Source Guy on 2007-08-10 21:52:05 | Here's a source... from Fox News even, which makes it credible. Why? No way Fox calls out a Christian unless they absolutely positively have to in order to look like they're reporting news.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,292910,00.html |
meh Posted by mind on 2007-08-10 22:10:37 | meh, who really cares. at least they aren't harassing people who haven't joined their cult |
Oh Boy! Posted by Farfignugen on 2007-08-10 22:34:21 | I've got an idea! Why don't I start a website. Sounds good so far, right? It gets better. I think I'll just copy and paste the first three paragraphs to news stories I see. Without sourcing them or linking to their source. That way, I'll be just as credible as those news sources! Right? |
Oh Dear! Posted by duh on 2007-08-10 23:47:22 | So you basically want to create digg? |
source Posted by Pile on 2007-08-11 00:24:53 | There are multiple sources. This story came from the wires. I originally found it on FOX, but I didn't want to put a link to Fox. Once I verified the story was accurate by finding other sources, I ran with it without a source. If you look at most of BSA's content, you'll find we typically list references. If we don't, it's for a reason, and I explained it.
So don't make sweeping generalizations when you can take a few seconds to clearly see your generalizations are inaccurate. |
The Posted by Clarifier on 2007-08-11 01:36:28 | If you look into this story a bit more, you'll find that this wasn't a just any summer camp or "boot camp" - it's specifically for criminal offenders. This is already an obvious case of horrible judgement, but let's not make it worse with sensationalism, kay? |
Posted by GutZ on 2007-08-11 02:18:30 | Yeah we wouldn't want to overtly sensationalize a story about 15 year old getting dragged by a car...people might get the wrong idea... |
no way Posted by trannie morgan on 2007-08-11 02:23:11 | I went to this bootcamp and he is really stern and really mean but hes fair and there no way this happened.......ive seen all the media but i stand by what i said |
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-08-11 03:55:01 | You people who are questioning the veracity of this story have the largest repository of knowledge with the fastest and easiest indexing and retrievel system in the history of mankind sitting right in front of you and all you can do it bitch? f*cking google it.
http://news.google.com/news?&q=Love+Demonstrated+Ministries |
The great thing about this... Posted by byron spears on 2007-08-11 07:30:00 | country is that you are free to bring any allegations you wish. The other thing is you get a trial to prove or disprove your case.
I have known Charles for 20 years and he would never EVER harm anyone. I sent my daughter to this bootcamp 8 years ago and would gladly do it again with no hesitation.
This camp has been operating for 13 years straight with no complaints and GREAT results. This man has helped thousands of youth (mostly at his own expense) and it's hard to sit and read all these people pointing fingers who I'll bet mostly sit on their butts and do nothing to help the youth. |
Small world, isn't it? Posted by 7oby on 2007-08-11 08:56:34 | How quickly "trannie morgan" and "byron spears" have posted in response to defend people they somehow know. Is BSA really one of the first sites people go to to comment on news? Or do they troll reddit for links to things to defend? It's practically impossible that they'd come across this site so fast. |
not really Posted by rocky on 2007-08-11 10:41:34 | Not really, this is linked from digg, so, it's the first time I've heard of it, and digg has many many users. |
sources Posted by dozens on 2007-08-11 10:43:59 | Too lazy to scroll down Fox's site to copy the last paragraph?
The only reason you shouldn't link to a source is if there is no place to link to it (as in you actually found this information). The only reason you didn't link to Fox is because you didn't want people to leave your site, which they would have once they realized you added not one thing to the story and tried to claim it as your own stuff. |
To the one who commented about Digg Posted by Mr. Oni on 2007-08-11 10:45:15 | Digg actually allows a person to see some news from multiple sources, without having to surf for hours to find it all... it's not a bad thing, and no one on Digg claims to be trying to be an "official news reporter", they just help others. |
lamers... Posted by Thanatos on 2007-08-11 10:45:44 | http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/5045830.html - for those that are too lame to do a search... |
The Digg rocks! Posted by Kyle Springer on 2007-08-11 10:59:46 | Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys said "we're up in no good"
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said "you're moving with your aunt and uncle in Bel-Air"
(Only the first three episodes of season one)
I begged and pleaded with her the other day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kissin' and she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it
First class, yo this is bad,
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like,
Hmm this might be alright!
I whistled for a cab and when it came near the
License plate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air
I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later"
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To settle my throne as the prince of Bel-Air |
digg it Posted by john on 2007-08-11 11:09:35 | The only reason you shouldn't link to a source is if there is no place to link to it (as in you actually found this information).
http://healthismoney.blogspot.com/2007/08/quit-drinking-alcoholabuse-alcohol.html |
The parents have just as much responsibility Posted by Andy (Andrew) Smith on 2007-08-11 11:14:10 | Sending impressionable children to be indoctrinated at a religion camp is much worse than physically abusing them by hauling them behind a vehicle. At least the child will recover from the effects of physical abuse - they might never recover from the sick abuse of religious indoctrination. Forcing religion on a minor is a crime worse than child molestation - thoroughly sick. Why are we discussing the lesser of the crimes here? |
Here is your source Posted by Anonymous on 2007-08-11 11:14:40 | http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/metro/stories/MYSA081107.01A.pastor_arrest.345cc30.html. I am from SA and read this site a couple times a week. I thought it was funny as well that people who supposedly know him responded so quick I doubt they actually visit this site they are probably staff at his boot camp looking for any place his name shows up. I also found it funny that "byron spears " put "This man has helped thousands of youth (mostly at his own expense)..." if you read the link it says "Last year, Love Demonstrated Ministries reported private and government contributions totaling $314,673 to operate the boot camp, with nearly 89 percent of the costs — $278,549 — going for salaries"....Yeah sounds like that was at his own expense maybe for his own profit would fit better lol |
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-08-11 11:26:46 | This is bullshit. If you don't want stuff like this to happen don't send your kids to a bootcamp in the first place, jackasses. It's a f*cking bootcamp, christian or not, it's all the same. |
The root of all evil? Posted by ThunderDonkey on 2007-08-11 11:36:58 | Guns don't kill people. Organized religions do.
Chalk this up to yet another overzealous religious fanatic thinking God is speaking through his actions. At least this time, the girl wasn't molested (if it was a boy, I don't think that would be the case). |
Posted by Kevin Archibald on 2007-08-11 11:49:57 | God doesn't kill people ; His idiot followers do.
Like me. |
Hey thunder donkey Posted by Blakka! on 2007-08-11 12:09:49 | This isn't catholic bootcamp |
The true face of Christianity Posted by me on 2007-08-11 12:16:50 | Just one more example of how faith is truly evil. |
Case in point. Posted by Voice of Reason on 2007-08-11 12:16:57 | Yeah, so the source wasn't stated and some of the story is missing.
Does that change the event? Does that change the circumstances? What could a fifteen year old girl do that is so awful that she deserves being keel-hauled behind a van for not being able to keep up, running? Who gives any rehabilitation, reform school, "boot camp", care center or anywhere the authority to do such things?
Love Demonstrated isn't the only "school" where these things happen. There are tonnes of cases, and tonnes of victims. So don't try and argue semantics over the situation of the article when there is a girl. Being. Dragged. Behind. A. Van.
This is a serious problem. |
only hurting cult? that's crap Posted by ryan on 2007-08-11 12:28:57 | "meh, who really cares. at least they aren't harassing people who haven't joined their cult"
Idiot, its a 15 year old girl. She's in the cult only because her parents brainwashed her to be in it. The parents are as responsible for this as the ministry.
That these assholes get a tax break for running this shit really pisses me off. They should not be rewarded, they should be jailed, all of them. |
This sounds familiar... Posted by Suricou Raven on 2007-08-11 12:36:37 | How it works.
1. 'Christian' boot camp is set up using large sum of taxpayer money, because politically influencial people believe all christians to be Good People.
2. Camp staff let power influence them, grow corrupt and abusive, eventually there is a scandle.
3a. Either: Coverup is initiated, no charges pressed, a few people fired, everyone tries to forget until the next incident goes public.
3b. Or: Camp loses its funding, but its supportors announce that no 'true Christian' could be so harmful, and therefore this wasn't *really* a Christian camp. Thus, a *real* Christian camp can still be trusted. Return to step one.
4. Regardless of 3, the camp continues to operate because it can offload responsibility onto one or two individuals. If it loses government funding, may reposition itsself as an agressive camp for restoring the faith to children who wander (See camp Love in Action, where parents can send their
Oh, and I know of at least two other Christian camps that have been caught physically abusing occupents sent there against their will. The aforementioned Love in Action, and a camp in Argentina whose name I dont recall. Both of them perfectly legal, because those suffering are minors, and all abuse occurs with parential permission. |
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-08-11 12:39:16 | at least she wasnt black. or jessie jackson would be blowing his load all over cnn for the next 24 hrs |
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-08-11 12:39:34 | This is the ugliest site i have ever seen.. |
comment Posted by rr on 2007-08-11 13:02:13 | this story originated in san antonio texas
you can find the story on local news channels
ksat.com woai.com |
student of anthropology Posted by robert on 2007-08-11 13:11:11 | "sit on our butts and do nothing for the the youth"" What is it that you do sir? How much digging should be done on you to find out how much effort you put into the system for handling the fair treatment of the youth??? You may be surprised to know that you could be got to, exploited, even proven to be merely a puppet for someone who has enough balls to work your child over. I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't a victim of sexual deviance. Think before you accuse another of doing little against the error of humanity. Where was Jesus when the girl was being dragged?? Oh yea, HE's DEAD, STUPID! |
credibility? Posted by Draculafreak on 2007-08-11 13:17:56 | name? source? specific location? |
Jesus? Posted by I believe! on 2007-08-11 13:50:20 | what about the crusades? Christians call it a holy war; the rest of the world calls it genocide! Religion is the worlds first form of government meant to repress free thought and control the weak of mind.
There is no god! and IF there was, he must have invented the atomic bomb... |
Source Posted by Source on 2007-08-11 14:59:41 | Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20219073/ |
Try being a good parent Posted by HOLY SHIT on 2007-08-11 15:39:54 | my only question is to the people defending this shit bag. Why do kids do the things they do? Cause you are all dead beat whitetrash parents. Maybe if you quit maury and oprah for five minutes to parent your child then they wouldnt have problems. I think when children start acting out someone otta send their fat asses to boot camp. |
You know what's awesome? Posted by Yeehaw on 2007-08-11 15:40:33 | From the mysanantonio source:
Last year, Love Demonstrated Ministries reported private and government contributions totaling $314,673 to operate the boot camp, with nearly 89 percent of the costs — $278,549 — going for salaries.
Wow, I'm in the wrong line of work...
But then again, I have ethics. |
I Know Charles Posted by My Ass Huts on 2007-08-11 16:09:55 | Yea, I went to this camp. My parents found marijuana in my room. 1 joint. I was sent to boot camp where Charles and the other men in charge ass f*cked me every day for 3 months.
I dont smoke pot anymore. Learned my lesson there. But now I cant sleep unless I drink at least a bottle of vodka. My parents dont know. |
I have heard about these camps before Posted by Alysha on 2007-08-11 16:32:02 | I have heard about camps like this before. These kind of places are also bad about beating the children and girls are often raped. Many kids will not speak out because they are threatened and brainwashed while they are there. these kinds of places should be outlawed and shut down. this is clearly abuse. |
Link to A true, right thinking, Christian Site Posted by Jim Bob on 2007-08-11 16:35:47 | http://www.landoverbaptist.org/subjectarchive/kids.html |
Protestants Posted by John on 2007-08-11 16:37:19 | This is just evidence that Protestants are polluting America. |
so where did you guys learn math? Posted by bluescreen on 2007-08-11 16:51:25 | I don't know how any of you could possibly complain about $278,549 being paid out in salary... Think about that for a minute... divide by 10 ... if they had only 10 employees they would each be getting paid just under 28k I dunno about you but for me I would consider that a sucky salary... And if the camp was already established there wouldnt' be huge costs associated with it. General maintenance, food, supplies, etc. $36,124 plus profit should probably cover that. people should really think before they open their mouths... |
Fuk You again Posted by Fuk You on 2007-08-11 19:01:32 | Fuk you somemore okies! |
Posted by anonymous on 2007-08-11 19:22:35 | Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys said "we're up in no good"
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said "you're moving with your aunt and uncle in Bel-Air"
(Only the first three episodes of season one)
I begged and pleaded with her the other day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kissin' and she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it
First class, yo this is bad,
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like,
Hmm this might be alright!
I whistled for a cab and when it came near the
License plate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air
I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later"
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To settle my throne as the prince of Bel-Ai |
Dr. Posted by Carrington on 2007-08-11 21:31:03 | At least the child was not raped by the counselors. |
this comment section is for stupid people Posted by russler on 2007-08-11 22:38:02 | you people are brain dead. If parents would be parents and take care of their children we wouldnt have all these problems. You are condeming this camp and dont have a clue what your talking about..Just let the kid go and maybe they can kill someone and be a drain on society by spending tax dollars on them.There has to be some order in this world and it wont be long until you will see what I mean.God is going to put an end to this world as we know it.The devil and his follers will take over for a while and there will be utter caious.The good thing if you are a christian you wont be here to go through it.But then we will stand befour a Holy God and He will judge every person. those that commit any sin will be cast into a lake of fire and be there forever and forever. This religous people you refer to will win in the end.Go ahead and make fun of God but 1 second in eternity you will know the real truth. "Be not decieved, God is not mocked, what so ever a man sow that shall they also reap. |
Posted by anon on 2007-08-11 22:48:30 | And the lord looked upon his camp counselors, and he did say:
"If while during a runneth a feeble child shalt fall, they shalt be made to be dragged upon their stomach like the wicked serpent, and they shalt feel the earth underneath them tear their flesh. If ye feel this is too harsh, too f*cking bad because guess what fags, you're in Jesus land now and you ain't turnin' back, got it?" |
Posted by Marv on 2007-08-11 23:07:19 | @russler
"you people are brain dead."
Wow! Your authority for that remark is "what"?
"You are condeming this camp and dont have a clue what your talking about."
If the charges they allege are true, then everyone who is posting that the defendants are scum is absolutely dead on.
"Just let the kid go and maybe they can kill someone and be a drain on society by spending tax dollars on them."
Your point is completely inane. Your justification is that these righteous people somehow *deserve* to abuse children as long as the outcome is that they "might not" commit crimes in the future. What is missing from your justification is 1) documented evidence that the methods are successful, and 2) that other means might have worked better. In short, your justification (more of a rationalization, really) is that the ends justify the means. Sound like the line we heard from Communists for decades. No thanks.
"There has to be some order in this world and it wont be long until you will see what I mean."
Yeah, just like the Communists promised us order.
"God is going to put an end to this world as we know it."
You only support the alleged actions of these people because they are members of a Christian Ministry. How would you be reacting if these people were social workers from a secular organization?
I'm betting your law and order attitude would change in a heartbeat. |
This isn't the whole story Posted by Voice_of_Reason on 2007-08-12 01:09:37 | You do realize that this story is based on the allegations made by the person filing the suit. Does anyone ever make false charges? It is way too early to be making all of these judgements. We haven't heard from any other witnesses either for or against. Wait to make your pronouncements until all of the facts are in. |
Posted by theNrg on 2007-08-12 08:27:47 | what the hell is WRONG with you americans ??? |
Posted by brant on 2007-08-12 10:23:56 | @russler (God rant)
I assume you evidence to back up these claims of yours?
"this comment section is for stupid people"
Quite. |
Posted by Clear on 2007-08-12 10:52:27 | How fast was the damn car driving anyway? O, doesn't matter: just sue 'em for $40 million or something. Isn't that what you Americans do if someone does something to you that you don't like? it's about time someone beat some sense into you lot. |
Posted by Marv on 2007-08-12 11:49:41 | @Voice_of_Reason
"You do realize that this story is based on the allegations made by the person filing the suit."
While VoR is correct that everyone has the right to the presumption of innocence, the police have taken action in this case. Read the stories. Each of these individuals are being held in jail on $100k bail. That means this is more than just a civil suit, this is a criminal action.
"Does anyone ever make false charges?"
Yes, they do. And I would assume that the police investigate the facts to determine whether the allegations are supported by the facts. They evaluated the witness statements (independent of the victim), examined the photographic evidence (the photos taken at the hospital by attending physicians and nursing staff), and took statements from other members of the Love Demonstrated Ministries. All of this was probably done between June 12th and this week when the arrests were made. That is nearly two months. I don't consider that a rush to judgment. I think the police did their jobs.
"It is way too early to be making all of these judgements."
As to their guilt? You're right. But our ability to comment on the alleged behavior of the councilor and director is not only timely but justified based on the severity of the abuse.
"We haven't heard from any other witnesses either for or against."
We haven't, but the police have.
"Wait to make your pronouncements until all of the facts are in."
No thanks. I've heard so many religious people weigh in that the problem with society is that no one expresses their outrage at egregious behavior anymore, and now when that behavior exhibits itself someone is telling me that we should withhold our judgment? |
Bottom line Posted by byron spears on 2007-08-12 20:48:55 | I found this site by googling "san antonio pastor arrested".
One poster is right in that I have no right to accuse those who are bashing Pastor Chas. before due process of not doing their part in helping youth, I have no way of knowing that!
Of course, at issue here is a 15 year old who is claiming abuse. Due process will straighten all that out.
Last night was the graduation banquet for the entire CBC "flight". It was very inspiring to hear the young people tell how the camp has helped them. Awesome.
Bottom line, Christian boot camp is an organization that has helped thousands of youth get their lives on track and those who serve in the leadership have sacrificed much to do so. No, I do not work for CBC but know personally many people who have been through the program. Many desribe it as the best thing that ever happened to them.
I am aware that some boot camp type organzations have issues. This one however is long established, respected and has proven to be a great asset to the youth of San Antonio and the surrounding area. I am looking forward to how these proceedings go (and to getting my Pastor back!) |
Terrorism Posted by antithis on 2007-08-13 11:16:26 | Stupid American terrorist, terrorizing every body in the world! It must be their religion, filled with terrorism again young people! |
Want to help Posted by Marlyn Manson on 2007-08-13 12:25:41 | If this camp is closed you can send your childer to my place for the summer. I will teach them about my GOD (SATIN BE HAILED !!!). They will learn about drugs; and I dont mean just using either. While CBC was a good place for pot connections I feal that todays youth should learn about the wholesale and retail distribution of narcotics as well. Allways a good trade to fall back on in hard times.
Sex education. It sould be taught as early as possiable.
While this nation might have been founded under GOD it never states just which GOD. My God, You god, his god or her god.
Just shake off the haters.....shake shake shake
shake that booty, shake that booty... |
Only white people Posted by Black MANN on 2007-08-13 12:29:39 | Why is it that this only happens to the white community? No never see any black men on that dateline show trying to have sex with a little girl or a little boy. You white peoplw love to look down on us with your long noses and tell us what is wrong with our lifestyle. Looks like you better clean your self us some. All there grown white men trying to have sex with childern. Damn whats wrong with you white prople ? |
boo f*cking hoo Posted by uallrretarded on 2007-08-13 18:25:19 | I am f*cking sick of these ignorant foreigners lumping Americans in to one pot, the ugly spoiled American destroying the free world. First off I cant stand our foreign policies right now, I say pull all of our resources back to the home front and watch as the rest off the world self destructs and it will why, because you need us. Something you don't see, or you inane f*cktards don't acknowledge is, that we as Americans have huge harts and are financially in a position to help in a time of need as we have for decades knowing god dam good and well there will be no return on our money. So I ask all these American hating sand sniffing ass holes, what have you done lately to better the free world (burning the US flag does not count). So why dont you go look in the mirror and ask what have I done lately and when you cat think of a f*cking thing, punch your self in the throat and SHUT THE f*ck UP you jealous pricks. Way the f*ck of topic, all I can say is where the f*ck has god been the last 100 years rubbing one out over his mass creation no, you see he to sold his sole to the devil, for a piece o ass a bottle of jack and bag o grass |
stfu Posted by getoverit on 2007-08-13 18:56:36 | Why, because it is generally accepted in the BLACK community to have sex with a minor you guys have no morals. We as Anglo Saxons (that means white people) find it rather appalling or maybe, it is a racist deal and mass Media does not give tow shits about the African American community but what ever it is we defiantly should have the great REV. Jessy Jackson maybe Al Sharpten or the NAACP look in to it umm k. You know if you guys would shut the f*ck up about racism and not not bring up, right that will be the day, that poor dead horse has been trampled. |
Posted by Clear on 2007-08-14 15:14:06 | I'm afraid I'll have to sue you now. I'll ask my attorney to contact your attorney. (Or you could settle for $40 million rightaway - your choice.) |
Posted by NonProphet on 2007-08-15 10:16:55 | Gotta love the little kids coming in to troll and start flame wars.
I mean, I've seen abuse apologetics, fire-and-brimstone preaching, racism from opposing sides, ethnocentrism, and a nationalist superiority complex.
Dragging someone behind a car is inhuman and sick, period. Stop with the racist bullsh*t, because skin colour is about as important as hair colour. Get it in your head, uall, that America also depends on the rest of the world for EVERYTHING, is not self-sufficient, and maybe learn a few things about other cultures and avoid the stereotyping.
And lastly, to the idiot that keeps spamming "Fresh Prince" lyrics: how original, now please waste time doing something constructive.
End rant. |
Only White Men Are Gay Posted by Only White Men Are Gay on 2007-08-15 19:42:44 | Still have not seen any brothers on that dateline show trying to f*ck little boys........ |
dumbasses Posted by sarah on 2007-08-16 18:57:29 | well it seems the majority of these smart asses who THINK theyre speaking intelligently are actually the ones who sound most ridiculous:
- "If while during a runneth a feeble child shalt fall, they shalt be made to be dragged upon their stomach like the wicked serpent..."
* what the hell are you talking about?! pick up a Bible and you might come to find that isnt even remotely related to any of the biblical vernacular. Sarcasm you say? i strongly doubt no one is laughing. this isnt a laughing matter dumbass.
- "These kind of places are also bad about beating the children and girls are often raped"
* wow, it looks like you did your homework Alysha! good job. now can you please cite your references? you know, where you found the name of the christian based boot camp that claims to change the lives of youth over a summer but acutally beat and rape the trainees.... COME ON!! theres absolutely no credibility to anything your saying. Go back to english class you dumbass!
-"There is no god! and IF there was, he must have invented the atomic bomb..."
*shut the hell up!! no one knows what youre talking about
-"I was sent to boot camp where Charles and the other men in charge ass f*cked me every day for 3 months."
* Really? why didnt you press charges you dumbass?! im really surprised your parents dont notice anything when they go into your room and you have alcohol poisoning after drinking an entire bottle of vodka everynight. youre an idiot. children like you should really be blocked out of this blog. 18yrs and older please. Go back to school asshole.
-"Where was Jesus when the girl was being dragged?? Oh yea, HE's DEAD, STUPID!"
* i am devastated. Satans going to take people like you to the fires of hell first... sorry man... you still have time though...
come on guys. from now on can please try and speak like intelligent human beings by thinking things over thoroughly before writing them? you people previously mentioned are giving Americans a bad wrap... how about nobody says anything until the 15year old girl and her parents speak out publicly? then maybe we can see the OTHER side of the story... |
Posted by KNOW THE CAMP on 2007-08-17 00:45:06 | My brother has gone to this camp 2 years in a row. I don't believe these allegations for a second. The mom turned in the photos to the police. Anyone ever check to see if the mom put these marks on her in an attempt to get money. I know I believe that more than Pastor Charles putting the marks on her. If the girl couldn't handle the camp then she should have quit and gone home like the little baby she is, instead of lying and ruining a man's career. And to the person who said he went to the camp and was raped, you wish you were a graduate from the camp, but you couldn't handle it, and don't flatter yourself and make us all believe that they wanted you. |
YOU GO TOBAR!!!! Posted by I support MY PASTOR on 2007-08-17 15:38:11 | Thats MY pastor and I stand behind him 100% I also think it SO funny that I at random clicked onm this link and I see people on here I know. I am proud of my pastor and for those of you who I know here lol Like I have said...wihout bro. Charles investing in my life for 20 years I would have killed myself. NO JOKE. Its the things he touched my life with the things he tought me that has made me treasure LIFE itself. |
By the way THEY are out Posted by support MY PASTOR on 2007-08-18 15:00:31 | Praise God they are out of jail now! THE truth shall set you free
:P lol |
Epitome of Blind Faith Posted by Get a Grip on 2007-08-24 12:27:53 | Flowers has not admitted whether or not he and/or Bassitt were involved nor has he EVER denied that this happened. Those who are coming to his defense forget that there was a witness independent from the girl and her mother who filed a police report. His followers also seem to be overlooking the fact that both the camp employees were INDICTED. The Grand Jury does not take allegations like this lightly or without FACTS to back up the charges. If you listen to the news reports, Flowers and his attorneys are trying to paint ALL of the kids who have participated in this boot camp as CRIMINALS, troubled youth who will lie when confronted with an authoritative figure -- EVEN THE ONES WHO ARE COMING TO HIS DEFENSE! Hello!!??!! How's that for blind faith? Why do people think that just because a person has no history of doing something bad, they aren't capable of it? That's just ignorant. They probably still think OJ's innocent, too. |
The truth is free. Posted by Observer on 2007-08-30 10:22:58 | Every time some religious zealot tells me I am going to Hell because I don't believe in his/her version of the fairy tale, I get more cynical about organized religion. You finger-suckers are so far away from God, you will never get to Heaven, let alone bring other souls with you. Satan is so deep in your churches that you think he is God. Would Jesus send you to boot camp? HELL NO! He'd lead you around Galilee helping the sick and feeding the poor, and making you watch until you couldn't stand it. Then He would say, "Go where thou wilt."
You would then be inclined to help others on your own, living by His example. Forcing your kids to believe in fairy tales, and torturing them to condition them, is disgusting, inhumane, and NOT Christ-like. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. If you were one of their victims and you enjoyed it, I am so, so sorry for you that you couldn't protect yourself from their brainwashing as a young and impressionable child.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. THEY ARE SO UNLIKE YOUR CHRIST." --GANDHI |
about boot camps Posted by chad on 2007-09-24 03:35:42 | Helping troubled teenagers with boot camps is useful in many cases. Boot camp can help parents and families in trouble. To find good boot camps, parents must search for boot camps on internet. |
I totally believe he did it Posted by My Mom worked for CBC and I know the man on 2007-10-01 20:07:07 | I did tons of research into this case... First, the ammount of money reported to have been donated IS, in fact, CORRECT.
My mother was a head councelor for the girls... She recieved $1000.00 for 3 months worth of work.
The school they held CBC at [before the current location] donated the property to the organization.
They didn't have to pay for it. So, we're expected to believe they spent 250,000.00 on food and sleeping bags???
Also, the kids being treated, vandalized the entire facility, including defecation inside the buildings and on the walls. No money was paid for the repairs... instead, those responsible were forced to clean it up. So, my question is where is all this money?
Can you say, FRAUD???
I also have witnessed Charles when he is upset or angry... not a pretty sight.
Also, I have witnessed Charles' public exposure of other people's "sins" against the congregation... everything from pre-marital sex to public atonement and requests [from the pulpit] from the guilty parties to the entire church on Sunday mornings. In Charles own words, "What transpired publicly must be rectified publicly."
When has Charles spoken to the News Media or anyone outside the church about this issue? To my knowledge he hasn't.
Also, I happen to know the other people posting on this site and have to say, at best, they are not the most educated or logical of people.
For example... Byron Spears is the praise and worship leader of the church and has spent the last 20 years of his life ducking all personal responsibility to his family by sitting on his fat ass in his "studio", trying to finish a "masterpiece" known as the Last Adam. Weird how this musical genius can't get anything produced or better yet, get a real job and stop trying to follow "God's path for his life in the ministry".
If God knows all and sees all and, in fact, wants his people to be blessed... Why are all the people supporting Charles living below His Own Financial Tax Bracket???
This is not the first time that Faith Outreach has been in the news. It's just the first time, since Bud left, that they have ducked the media and tried to keep quiet on the issue.
Charles is just another bogus individual trying to be "Above" the human condition by denying the fact that he is, in fact, human and makes mistakes.
I would have had tons of respect for him if he had lived by his own judgemental words and been upfront about the situation. As it is... He's just another one in the long line of people who spout BS at people but don't believe it applies to themselves.
Now Charles can sit back and join the "club" of people who have been in a position of power in that church to hang their heads in shame. So, Charles, tell Bud, Doug and Nevile I said Hello...
As the scripture says, "Let everything hidden be seen." This is God's way of revealing to people what is really going on in FOCI... unfortunately, God loves everyone, including people who are too stupid to see the truth when it sits right in front of them. All due to simple blind loyalty and deification of their leaders.
In other words... Get a clue and grow up.
If you really believe in what you speak, then don't be one of the ones Christ looks at and says, "Depart from me, I never knew you."
Sincerly, "The One That Got Away" [I guess God loves me more than you...] |
fat??? whose Fat? Posted by byron spears on 2007-11-05 21:56:04 | Posted by My Mom worked for CBC and I know the man on on 2007-10-19
"Weird how this musical genius can't get anything produced or better yet, get a real job and stop trying to follow "God's path for his life in the ministry".
Well, I did manage to finish Charles' new album in my 'studio' - and it's pretty nice, mostly cover songs - but He does a very good job vocally.
And, fat? Whose fat? Fat is a relative term. I think I'm more "pleasingly plump" than fat. BTW - if you have something to say to Chas. why don't you call him and tell him instead of bashing him/us anonymously here? Call the church - we're here working almost everyday!
- blessings,
PS are you going to post and apologize when Chas. is aquitted of all charges? |
Well, get your story straight, liar, did "the Commadant" do nothing? If he did nothing, then how would you know that you were there "when it happened?" When WHAT happened? You mean when "The Commadant" tied a teenage girl to the back of a motor vehicle with a rope and dragged her with that vehicle? Is that what that abusive piece of shit did that you call "nothing?"
Do the world a favor, go back to your drug dealer, and get ahold of an overdose, one less burnout like you can only be an improvement. |
Random!!!!!!! Posted by Sexie Corndog on 2008-02-25 14:20:58 | I like eggs!!! |
FEDERAL CHARGES DROPPED Posted by byron spears on 2008-04-29 22:19:06 | Hate to say I told ya' so, but.... I did. The judge dropped the federal charges today (which could have been a 20 year sentence if found guilty).
Now we'll see what happens with the simple assault charge... (1 year max if found guilty)
This man has been wrongly accused and wrongly judged by the world (who doesn't know him). Please learn something from this...
- Byron |
Posted by An FOCI member on 2008-05-02 11:16:35 | We know our pastor and all that he stands for. Helping the wayward youth is one of his priorities. These kids are sent to boot camp with the parents' permission. They have a choice of going to boot camp or a facility for delinquent teens. They elect boot camp, thinking it will be easy and fun. They are there because their own parents are having problems disciplining them, have gotten in trouble with the law, skip school, etc., etc.
The end result: he instills in them to be respectful to their parents, God and themselves. To have a better outlook of their God-given life
and future. Not all, but the majority leave boot camp feeling better about themselves and appreciate having gotten a second chance to do better.
In Christ |
Mistrial declared Posted by byron spears on 2008-05-02 21:20:09 | 10 jurors said Pastor innocent
11 jurors said Stephanie innocent |
What can Pastor Flowers Learn? Posted by Hey Byron on 2008-05-06 10:47:59 | Hey Byron:
What can Pastor Flowers learn about holding other Pastors accountable to false accusations brought against them? He sure is quick to bring judgment against them, even holding meetings about them where other Pastors from the community attempt to decide their fate even when there is not enough evidence to bring them to a trial.
I fully agree with you. Pastor Flowers is a very Godly and good man that has done a lot for the community and the Kingdom, people forget those things and rush to judgment and sentencing. My family, church and Pastor have stood with him and behind him, his family, ministry and church through this whole ordeal.
Hopefully, Pastor Flowers can learn something from this, seeing the results of false accusations and how quickly the secular community and unfortunately a lot of Christians want to jump in and ruin the reputation and influence of men of God such as him.
This blog is just one of many that is full of animosity, gossip and slander; not only about Pastor Flowers but other men and women of God. The origination of most of the subject matter is due to the perception of those that viewed the presentation of the material. Most of the presentation was brought forth by the secular media.
Unfortunately with the internet and 'guilty until they can prove their innocence' mindset of people (including the church), most everyone buys right into the media's hyped presentation and agenda (that's a subject matter all on its own).
Most people feel that the church should be above reproach, however, with human beings being involved there will always be the potential for failure even if it is only perceived failure. My prayer is that we grow and mature from these situations and not be our own enemy. The Kingdom of darkness is formidable enough... |
Hmmmmm..... Posted by byron spears on 2008-05-18 02:45:37 | With all the with anonymity this blog affords, it's not surprising that people just spout off (No one wants to give their name (!) LoL - and I really don't 'get' that part) but - hello (whoever you are).
Yes, good point, we can ALL learn from this. It's good to know that even though the system gets abused - it can still work.
- Byron |
anonymity Posted by Wisely, anonymous on 2008-06-23 12:57:53 | Byron:
Spout off? When on 'spouts off' they are usually someone who talks about something tediously and at great length, usually with no regard for the listener/reader's interest. My post was not lengthy, maybe a bit tedious and directed towards you; you responded so evidently you were interested but you might have me on the tedious part so I'll let it slide.
Why would I post my name? The topic at hand was the media coverage of Pastor Flowers, more specifically the title of this blog - "Christian Boot Camp Officials Drag 15yo Girl Behind Van". The title alone proves my point about passing judgment due to media spin, gossip, slander, etc. and the damage that this has caused to the Body of Christ, most of it self-inflicted by fellow believers buying into and participating in the hype.
Again, post my name? It would not serve any purpose in validating my point. On the contrary, it would allow opportunity for others to change the subject by attacking me, my family, and others connected to me. If you need proof, they did the same to you on this blog and wrongfully so I might add. Brave of you? Yes, but needlessly so. I'm not the type of individual to ask someone to punch me in the gut to prove how tough I am.
I am truly glad that this ordeal has passed and I pray that Pastor Flowers, CBC, LDM and Faith Outreach continue to make a positive impact in this community.
Please forgive me if I have 'spouted off' again ;-)... |
for my mom worked at cbc Posted by 21 on 2008-06-24 00:37:28 | this site is for throwing in yor 2cents about charles flowers how dare you talk shit about byron. why dont you go suck a dick faggot. what the f*ck have you done with your life? i bet if i checked it wouldnt be jack shit. your a nobody and will always be a nobody and will die with out benefiting the world just another waste smother another failure lay this to rest |
Byron Spears Posted by Leonardo on 2008-07-13 01:05:34 | I remember when Byron and his buddy Jon got caught egging my house when he was a kid. Funny memories. Lovely mom, nice dad, lovely sister, cute little brother. Remember that? I guess if that is the worst I can say about Byron, then what the hey. But I know he has a dark past just like most of us. He-he!! Clearfolk days, remembuh, bro?? I was just in San Antonio and drove by the site where we used to camp out in the tree house and hang out at his grandmother's house. Hey... how is Rhonda?? I was in love with you sister! |
to the viewers of this page Posted by trainee tijerina on 2008-11-05 11:28:34 | check this out we went to court i was a witness they had me sit down in court... the girl got caught up in her lies she confessed it wasn't true so there you have it he's inocent so get over yalls self and get on with yalls life |
Christian Boot Camps Posted by Boot Camps on 2008-11-14 00:23:39 | Christian teens boot camp activities are very famous to remove the behavioral problems of campers. The students in those camps are suggested to apply the biblical based principles in their daily routine.
http://www.restoreteens.com/Search/0/Boot-Camps/index.html |
Posted by Just Me on 2008-11-21 12:33:14 | no way
''Posted by trannie morgan on 2007-08-11 02:23:11
I went to this bootcamp and he is really stern and really mean but hes fair and there no way this happened.......ive seen all the media but i stand by what i said''
yeah and a father that didnt rape his first child, isnt capable of raping his second? a man that didnt beat his first wife, isnt capable of beating the second? the woman that didn't murder her son, couldnt possibly murder her daughter? and we all know a kid who didnt do drugs as a teen, isn't possibly able to do drugs as a young adult. that's bullsh** whoever u are, i assume you went to that camp for drug abuse? you have to be missing a few thousand brain cells to honestly believe that just cuz YOU werent hurt, it's impossible to hurt another. ignorant fools like you make me sick. |
This is ridic Posted by Liz on 2016-05-31 16:29:18 | I attended this boot camp myself when I was 15 and as much as I hated the authority I ended up learning discipline in the end. Yes Flowers was stern however he was never abusive. They did pin you down if you got in their face or in another trainees but its no different than a restraint an officer would put on someone who is a threat. It was very tough love but never abusive. Most of the kids had never experienced someone putting them in their place. A lot of us learned its not okay to challenge our parents and elders. It was a great learning experience. We learned teamwork and we grew with each other. |