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There's An 84% Chance Your Tuna Sushi Isn't Tuna?

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Nonprofit ocean protection group Oceana took 1,215 samples of fish from across the United States in restaurants, grocery stores and sushi bars and the results were astonishing. There's more than a good chance the fish you think is "tuna" or "snapper" is not what it claims...


CourtsTo PepsiCo: Stop Calling Your Juice Products 'All Natural'

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[Junk Food]
While government agencies like the FDA keep stalling on demanding rigorous scientific testing of numerous questionable ingredients, GMO foods, and the correct labeling of such foods, PepsiCo has recently agreed to settle out of court for $9 million over a class action lawsuit that claimed ‘natural’ and ‘non-GMO’ on their bottles was misleading since they are made with GMO ingredients, as well as synthetic and ‘unnatural’ items.


A Look Inside A Homeopathic Emergency Room

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Ever wonder what a modern hospital might be like if you replaced all the scientifically-trained doctors with New Age Gurus? Here's a glimpse...


Energizer USB Battery Charger Has Secret Access To Your PC

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That cool USB-based battery charger you connected to your computer? Who knew it secretly installed software on your machine that allows someone to connect and control your computer remotely without your knowledge?

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Homeopathy Confronts The Dragon's Den

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The Dragon's Den is an interesting tv show that originally started in the UK. The show is based on the premise that would-be entrepeneurs pitch products and services to the "dragons" - a group of successful businessmen. Sometimes the ideas are good, most of the time they're bad, but almost every time, the inventor is sure they've found "the most awesome product ever!" In one recent case, a guy hawking "miracle cure water", the same kind of stuff you'll see routinely advertised on talk radio, comes up against the Dragons... Let's watch..


Tanning Beds Now Identified As Major Cancer Risks

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International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas.

A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal.

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No More Tears, But Perhaps A Little Cancer

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More than half the baby shampoo, lotion and other infant care products analyzed by a health advocacy group were found to contain trace amounts of two chemicals that are believed to cause cancer.

Some of the biggest names on the market, including Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo and Baby Magic lotion, tested positive for 1,4-dioxane or formaldehyde, or both, the nonprofit Campaign for Safe Cosmetics reported.


Studies Indicate Definite Link Between Cancer And Cell Phone Use

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Society "must not repeat the situation we had with the relationship between smoking and lung cancer where we ... waited until every 'i' was dotted and 't' was crossed before warnings were issued," said David Carpenter, director of the Institute of Health and Environment at the University of Albany, in testimony before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform.

"Precaution is warranted even in the absence of absolutely final evidence concerning the magnitude of the risk" -- especially for children, said Carpenter

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AT&T Goes Dark In Wake Of Hurricane

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Despite the day earlier, statements being issued by major cellular companies that they were prepared for Gustav, one company wasn't. AT&T customers in the New Orleans area experienced a total loss of cellular service for almost the entire day during the impact of Hurricane Gustav in Louisiana.

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Former Google Employees Get $33M For Lame Search Engine

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Right now, the big PR buzz is over a new search engine launched by ex-Google employees, called CUIL - oh yea, pronounced "cool", and previously spelled CUILL - I guess they figured dropping one "L" might improve their brand image. Unfortunately, making a search engine that works before they launch a big PR blitz might have been more helpful.


Consumers Fall For Goofy Gas-Saving Devices

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Cracked has put together a list of the most retarded "fuel economy"-increasing devices being marketed. Hopefully you and your friends have not wasted money on these goofy, fraudulent gadgets.

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Dell Bundles Windows XP as "Windows Vista Bonus"

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In an amusing attempt to get around Microsoft's attempt to force dealers to stop selling XP and force users to adopt their profoundly crappy new operating system, Windows Vista, Dell has managed to continue bundling Windows XP with certain systems under the name "Windows Vista Bonus."


$527 Million Dollar Airport Detector Project: Total Scam

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The Washington Post has revealed that a project by the Department of Homeland Security to install 1,400 "radiation detectors" in the nation's airports is more than fatally flawed: the detectors don't work and the testing protocol to verify their effectiveness may have been totally bogus!

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Government Finds Lead Test Kits Don't Detect Lead

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Are you concerned about toxins found in products around the house, like lead in toys? Why not get one of those nifty home lead test kits? Well the Consumer Product Safety Commission has just announced most of those kits don't really work. I wonder where they come from?

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Coke Adds Banned Sweetener To Its Version For Mexicans

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Coca-Cola, the company with better name recognition than God, has started using a different artificial sweetener in the Mexican brand of Coca-Cola Zero. It's kind of like OUR revenge for Montezuma's Revenge.

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Reebok Shoes Are Killer, Thanks To The Bush Administration

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In the wake of a massive Chinese toy recall, scrutiny is showing that the Bush administration has gone out of its way to weaken existing controls to insure the safety of products imported into the country.


Nationwide List Of Deficient And Obsolete Bridges

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Do you want to know how many deficient and obsolete bridges you have in your state? Details are here.


Large Recall On Chinese-Made Tires

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U.S. authorities urged a recall of up to 450,000 Chinese-made tires that may contain safety defects, reports said June 26--the latest in a string of China-related consumer scares. The tires were sold under the brand names Westlake, Telluride, Compass, and YKS for use as spares on sport utility vehicles, vans, and trucks.


China Has Found A Creative Way To Dispose of Toxic Waste

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China manufactured every one of the 24 kinds of toys recalled for safety reasons in the United States so far this year, including the enormously popular Thomas & Friends wooden train sets, a record that is causing alarm among consumer advocates, parents and regulators.

Hey did you know that some rubber eyeballs imported from China and sold in the states are filled with Kerosene? Flame on!

When Mattel Inc. recalled nearly a million toys manufactured by Zhang Shuhong’s company, he fought hard to find a way to resume sales to America. They were the lifeblood of his firm, Lee Der Industrial Co., Ltd., and its lucrative share of the export boom driving China’s economic growth.

But as Zhang’s factories in the southern city of Foshan lay idle, workers started drifting off, fearing they would never start up again. Then Chinese authorities sealed Zhang’s ruin by announcing Thursday that he was prohibited from exporting toys until further notice because of the defects denounced by Mattel.

Zhang was found dead in a company warehouse two days later, colleagues said Monday, apparently having hanged himself in despair. His death dramatized the high stakes in an international scare over unsafe Chinese products and an increasingly vigorous government crackdown designed to restore confidence in the vital export industry


DuPont's $63 Million Dollar Plane You Bought That Can't Fly

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Congress has spent more than $63 million on an experimental aircraft that has never flown more than a few feet and that the Pentagon has repeatedly rejected.

Designed as a plane that can take off straight up and then fly at 700 miles per hour, the craft has never attained a height of more than a few feet in prototype tests before crashing to the ground.


Amazing Diet Pill!! (Settlement Because of False Advertising)

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Marketers of four popular diet pills have agreed to curb their advertising claims and shell out some $25 million to settle allegations by the Federal Trade Commission that they misled consumers with promises of dramatic weight loss.

In some studies, even placebos--fake pills--produced more weight loss than the diet pills themselves. CortiSlim, CortiStress, One-A-Day WeightSmart, TrimSpa, and Xenadrine EFX are accused of BS advertising claims.

In a related story, did you know that signing up as a member of BSAlert has been clinically proven to enhance the quality and longevity of your life! Try it today!


Using Girly Oils Really Might Turn You Into A Girl!

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Certain oils commonly referred to as "essential oils," specifically lavendar and tea tree oils, can potentially cause enlarged breasts in young boys. The condition, known as gynecomastia to scientists and a screaming nightmare to middle-school boys, occurred in three boys age 4, 7, and 10 who had been using products containing the oils. The oils can mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen, and can also block male hormones that control masculine characteristics and inhibit the growth of breast tissue.


U.S. Launches Multi-Million Dollar Geosynchronous Paperweight

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U.S. officials are unable to communicate with an expensive experimental U.S. spy satellite launched last year by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office.

Efforts are continuing to reestablish communication with the classified satellite, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but "the prognosis is not great at this point," said the defense official, who asked not to be identified.

Rumor has it this colossal waste of taxpayer money might be the product of Boeing and Lockheed. But remember, if we find out which corporate contractors make crappy products, the terrorists win.


Let's Go Fly A Kite... OF DEATH

Posted by ueberbill (9812 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

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Officials in Pakistan are lifting a ban on kite flying in preparation for a spring festival that is marked by the flying of colorful kites. The ban was put in place last year not because Pakistani officials hate whimsy, but because of too many kite-related FATALITIES!


Latest E. Coli Outbreak Traced to Green Onions

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California's farming industry is girding for another potential black eye after a second outbreak this year of a potentially deadly E. coli strain linked to its crops.

Green onions served in Taco Bell restaurants are suspected as the source of dozens of illnesses in the Eastern United States and the fast-food chain has called for an industry review of the produce supply chain stretching to California.

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Nintendo Worried About Uncoordinated Wii Users

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With the Wii console due to be released in Europe tomorrow and already out in other major territories, Nintendo execs have acknowledged media reports of uncoordinated gamers causing damage to televisions, furniture, and even fellow players.

The next-generation, motion-sensitive controller that Nintendo's new videogame uses is apparently causing gaming nerds to flail about in their living rooms, causing damage.

Nintendo's response to the issue? It's telling gamers to "calm down."

Calm down? After you stood in line for several days in the freezing cold to pick up these units, maybe they're just flailing about to bring circulation back to their limbs?


Adobe PDF "features" Leave Users Vulnerable

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A British security researcher has figured out a way to manipulate legitimate features in Adobe PDF files to open back doors for computer attacks.

David Kierznowski, a penetration testing expert specializing in Web application testing, has released proof-of-concept code and rigged PDF files to demonstrate how the Adobe Reader program could be used to launch attacks without any user action.


"Worst Ever" Flaw Found In Diebold Voting Machines

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"This may be the worst security flaw we have seen in touch screen voting machines," says Open Voting Foundation president, Alan Dechert. Upon examining the inner workings of one of the most popular paperless touch screen voting machines used in public elections in the United States, it has been determined that with the flip of a single switch inside, the machine can behave in a completely different manner compared to the tested and certified version.

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Jiffy-Lube, Jiffy-Screwed

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What happens when a news team goes undercover, wires hidden cameras inside and underneath cars and takes them in for repairs? Oh yea, well there's always a chance of some anomaly at a car repair place, but you'll be amazed apparently how rampant getting ripped off is, especially at Jiffy-Lube. Watch the video.


Criticism of Herbal Products Squelched

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One of the marketing success stories in the world of herbal pills is the hype and advertising that has made Tebonin one of the big-time sellers. If you believe the ads, popping a Tebonin pill a day will relieve tinnitus (the ringing sound some people have in their ears), dizziness and even improve mental alertness. The promoters claim the drug, which is based on a patented extract from the ginkgo biloba tree, improves "impaired micro-circulation," reduces "free radicals" and "promotes optimum cell function."

According to the German manufacturer, Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co KG, eight million pills are consumed every day. Schwabe, like so many companies in the herbal supplements sector, trades on its feel-good image. "From Nature, For Health," its website claims. That's the story the company wants you to hear. However, when a small group of Australian doctors and pharmacists, AusPharm Consumer Health Watch, drafted a report raising doubts about the benefits of Tebonin, they discovered a company that was not so warm and fuzzy. Soon after sending a copy of their draft report to the company, they were hit with a writ seeking an injunction that may bury their critical assessment forever.

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Buggy Software Costs Government $12B Annually

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Every year the Government Accountability Office issues a report that gives a brief summary of the status of major weapons acquisition programs. And every year the reports say that many, if not most, of those acquisition programs are experiencing cost overruns and schedule delays in their software development segments.

The problem is huge. In fiscal 2006, the Defense Department will spend as much as $12 billion on reworking software - 30 percent of its estimated budget of $40 billion for research.

There you have it. Is the United States spending taxpayer money to develop the next generation stealth fighter or anti-missile technology? Nope, they're probably trying to keep their F18s' software from crashing.


Dude, You're Gettin' A Fireman

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A person attending a conference in Japan sat just feet away from a Dell laptop computer that suddenly exploded into flames, in what could have been a deadly accident.

"The damn thing was on fire and produced several explosions for more than five minutes".

Should you witness such an event, his advice is, "Don't try anything courageous/stupid, stay away, away, away!"

Imagine this happening on a plane? Imagine them banning laptops from airplanes.


Military Researches Bizarre Chemical Bombs

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The US military investigated building a "gay bomb", which would make enemy soldiers "sexually irresistible" to each other, government papers say.

Other weapons that never saw the light of day include one to make soldiers obvious by their bad breath.

The US defense department considered various non-lethal chemicals meant to disrupt enemy discipline and morale.

The 1994 plans were for a six-year project costing $7.5m, but they were never pursued.


eBay Scammer Gets Payback

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Hello. My name is Amir Massoud Tofangsazan and i live in Barnet. I'm 19 but pretend to be a lot older and like to pretend that I'm a big businessman when I'm not actually that clever. on 29th November 2005 I sold a laptop on eBay.

Amir thought he was being clever by ripping off someone online, selling them a non-working laptop. Unfortunately, the buyer wasn't merely satisfied with being ripped off, so he scoured the hard drive and found lots of interesting and potentially incriminating pictures and other documents and decided to put up his own web page in homage to his scammer...

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Ionic Air Purifiers Hurt Human Lungs

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I've known this for quite some time after doing research into these monstrosities when a friend tried to hawk some high-priced air purifier on me from his network marketing club. Ozone is the byproduct of these devices, like what you see at Sharper Image, and ozone is also a principal component of "smog" and air pollution. It also doesn't get along well with organic materials like human flesh. Read on for the science.


Medication For Your Car?

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One of the latest ads sweeping the Internet is a "gas pill" marketed by Fuel Freedom International. Fuel Freedom International says dropping a $2 MPG-Cap in your tank with every fill up will increase mileage by 10 percent or 20 percent. When expert with AAA checked out the pill, the results were not as advertised.

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Sony Rootkit Class Action Settlement

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We previously reported on Sony's hidden spyware bundled with albums they sold. Well, the EFF has engaged in a class action lawsuit over the issue and YOU may be entitled to free money and music. Of course, the downside is you might have to admit you actually purchased a Backstreet Boys, Celine Dion, Velvet Revolver, Babyface or Brittney Spears album.

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Malfunctioning BMW Becomes 120mph Death Trap

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A motorist was trapped in his car driving at almost 130mph for 60 miles after the accelerator jammed.

Boy those fancy computer-controlled cars now sure are cool!


Sony Cutting Back On PSP Movies

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Sony's PlayStation Portable isn't turning out to be the hot new movie platform many in the biz had hoped.

With sales falling below expectations, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Paramount Home Entertainment and Warner Home Video are cutting back on movie releases for the PSP.

What? You mean there wasn't a rush of people running out to buy movies to watch on a four inch LCD? Maybe they've moved over to watching movies on their cell phones?


Let Yours (Or Someone Else's) Fingers Do the Paying

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Buying groceries with the touch of a finger could be closer than you think, if new research touting the benefits of biometric payment for retail giants like Wal-Mart, Target, and Costco is anything to go by.

The report, by Sanford Bernstein analyst Emme Kozloff, found that the use of so-called "electronic wallets" reduces the potential for fraud and identity theft, speeds up the checkout process, and most importantly, lowers transaction processing fees for retailers, improving their bottom line.

Unfortunately, this highly-paid analyst didn't mention in the Fortune article that a finger made out of Play Doh can fool these machines 90% of the time.


Engineer Claims Alphabetical Keyboard More Efficient

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John Parkinson, 62-year-old electrical engineer is showing off a new, rival keyboard design next month at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. After years of hunt-and-peck typing, he's convinced that his new alphabetically-arranged keyboard is an improvement over the traditional QWERTY design.

Imagine the possibilities: now you can type as smoothly on your desktop as you do on your cell phone!

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Sony Virus Close to 0wning Planet And Peoples' Computers

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Here's a sordid tale of corporate control gone horribly wrong.

In order to combat people copying audio CDs to computer, Sony worked with a company called First4Internet to employ copy protection to a large array of audio CDs by artists such as Neil Diamond, Cindy Lauper and Celine Dion. The company that installed this XCP copy protection utilized what's known as a "rootkit" in hacker jargon: a set of libraries that allows programs to secretly take over portions of a computer. Unbeknowst to consumers who placed these audio CDs into their computers, they were secretly infiltrated by the software. That would be bad enough, except: a) Sony underestimated the extent to which this viral code would spread (see image) and b) The code has a nasty back door that everyone knows about now that (due to Sony's equally-incompetent uninstall service) allows virtually any web page on the Internet the ability to download and execute programs on peoples' computers. To say this is a mammoth security debacle is an understatement.

Sony is rapidly trying to recall the distribution of these CDs but it's obviously too late now. For the rest of us who didn't get infected, we can look forward to Celine Dion fans' computers spamming us for the next six months.

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New German Beer Includes A Cigarette Pack's Worth Of Nicotine

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For those who might be living in areas where smoking is banned in bars, a new beer has been launched in Germany which contains nicotine and 6.3 per cent alcohol. Drinking a 250ml can of the beer is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes. No word if the beer is also available in menthol.


Convicted Fraudster Scores Big With Best Selling Book

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He went to prison for fraud and was ordered by the U.S. government to stop touting health products on infomercials, but Kevin Trudeau's book "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About" is a bestseller.

The book -- whose back cover says "Never get sick again!" and "Learn the specific natural cures for herpes, acid reflux, diabetes ... cancer ... and more!" -- has topped the Publishers Weekly nonfiction bestseller list for the past three weeks.

Ok, what is with you people? This guy has hawked every gimmicky product he could scam on people for the last decade, from speed reading courses to diet and "cure-all" pills. WTF? Who's buying this crap?

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Run Fire Off Water; Sacrifice Fuel Efficiency For Coolness

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Tired of lugging firewood around? Want to spend $50,000 to impress your friends and show you can disproportionately waste huge amounts of energy while appearing to embrace alternative fuel sources? Then you need the Aqueon, a goofy high-tech fireplace that uses 220v/60amps to create hydrogen fuel via electrolysis to fuel its flames.


Sharper Image Aborts Lawsuit Against Consumer Reports

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In October 2003, Consumer Reports ran a review of air cleaners and found that the heavily-over-hyped Ionic Breeze was "ineffective." The Sharper Image people countered by creating a new and improved model designed to out-perform similar products and address critics complaints. Really, they did? Of course not. Instead they sued Consumer Reports for libel, and several years later, Sharper Image realizes it can't bully Consumer Reports when it has no case and pays them off to make their lawsuit disappear. Not only do their products seem to be giant paperweights, but they can spit out dangerous levels of ozone gas. Congratulations to Consumer Reports for being one of the last advocacy groups to not take corporate bullying.

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Hair Replacement Company Left Exposed

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Victory in the courts today for anyone who wants to use the Internet to call attention to companies they think have dubious business practices. Bosley Medical Institute in Seattle sued former client Michael Kremer after he created a Web site in 2000 in a "bald-faced effort to get even" with the company, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said.


Napster Ads Don't Reveal Their Misleading Scheme

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[Faulty Products]
Napster has been running some interesting ads comparing their service to iTunes. They claim it would cost thousands of dollars to fill up an iPod but with Napster, you can pay a small monthly fee and get all the music you want. What they don't want you to know apparently, is if you stop paying the subscription, all the music you've downloaded ceases to function everywhere. Nice move Napster. Sleazy. Very Sleazy.


Why In The World Do People Put Up With Windows?

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[Faulty Products]
SFGate columnist, Mark Morford relays a number of personal horror stories over Microsoft Windows' never-ending array of bugs and vulnerabilities and ponders why consumers put up with this when there are better alternatives.


Gates' products crash and burn during CES keynote presentation

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[Faulty Products]
While promoting what he calls the "digital lifestyle," Bill Gates showed how vulnerable all consumers - even the world's richest man - are to hardware and software bugs as he stumbled through a number of embarassing moments when his products crashed and burned during a keynote presentation at the 2005 Consumer Electronics Show.

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