eBay Scammer Gets Payback

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[Faulty Products]
Hello. My name is Amir Massoud Tofangsazan and i live in Barnet. I'm 19 but pretend to be a lot older and like to pretend that I'm a big businessman when I'm not actually that clever. on 29th November 2005 I sold a laptop on eBay.

Amir thought he was being clever by ripping off someone online, selling them a non-working laptop. Unfortunately, the buyer wasn't merely satisfied with being ripped off, so he scoured the hard drive and found lots of interesting and potentially incriminating pictures and other documents and decided to put up his own web page in homage to his scammer...

Although the buyer paid the £375 total within a few days, it took me nearly two months before i bothered to post the laptop. What the buyer didn't know was that it differed slightly from its description on ebay. Rather than having 2Gb of RAM, it only had 512Mb. It also didnt have a DVD-RW as described. Perhaps most importantly of all, the laptop didn't actually work! haha genius! Selling a 'working' laptop that doesn't work! Despite polite requests from the seller, I denied anything was wrong and refused to refund his money, then i agreed to but of course didn't. Then I claimed to have moved to Dubai and hoped he'd forget about it.

But he didn't forget about it. He took the hard disk out and behold! one laptop crammed with pictures that I really should have deleted before trying to sell it!



Posted by kimothy on 2006-06-17 22:56:34
hey i live in la and im 26 years old and i go to college and you are so cute you little cutie you look so cute and i just want to date you

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