Sony Cutting Back On PSP Movies

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[Faulty Products]
Sony's PlayStation Portable isn't turning out to be the hot new movie platform many in the biz had hoped.

With sales falling below expectations, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Paramount Home Entertainment and Warner Home Video are cutting back on movie releases for the PSP.

What? You mean there wasn't a rush of people running out to buy movies to watch on a four inch LCD? Maybe they've moved over to watching movies on their cell phones?

While comedies that appeal to the core young male gamer demo are doing well, execs say other PSP movies simply aren't selling.

Sony handheld device plays games, movies and music.

In a bid to boost the format, execs from SPHE and sister unit Sony Computer Electronics America, which sells the PSP, are touting a new adapter that would allow a user to watch a PSP pic on a TV.

If it's successful, that could overcome widespread criticism that consumers have to buy two separate copies of a movie to watch on PSP and TV.





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