Dell Bundles Windows XP as "Windows Vista Bonus"

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[Faulty Products]
In an amusing attempt to get around Microsoft's attempt to force dealers to stop selling XP and force users to adopt their profoundly crappy new operating system, Windows Vista, Dell has managed to continue bundling Windows XP with certain systems under the name "Windows Vista Bonus."

Dell is actively promoting a Microsoft licensing loophole to channel partners eager to keep selling PCs installed with Windows XP, after Microsoft's official cut off.

The Dell channel blog is pointing resellers to the loophole in the Windows Vista license that enables business customers to downgrade from the unwanted Windows Vista to its dated, but comfortable and better-supported predecessor.

According to the blog: "Dell can sell what we've branded 'Windows Vista Bonus' which allows us to preinstall XP Professional with a Vista license (on select system categories). This lets customer's upgrade to the Vista platform when they're ready. And yes, Dell will support both OSs."



Posted by Gliscameria on 2008-07-02 20:15:06
Great idea!

However, I am still not getting a Dell, ever.

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