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First Look: Exclusive Radiohead In Rainbows Box Set

Posted by Pile (23886 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

We here at BSAlert are big Radiohead fans, so it's with much excitement we give you a first look at the limited-edition Radiohead box set for their new In Rainbows album that was sold exclusively online.

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The World's First Honest Rap Video

Posted by Pile (13174 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Check-check-check it out. Finally someone does a rap video that makes sense...

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And You Thought Crazy People Only Ride The Bus!

Posted by ueberbill (15268 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A couple of geniuses from Kansas City decided to combine two things that nobody else would've ever thought to combine-- cabs and karaoke. Unlike my unsuccessful startup in the 90's featuring golf and violent thunderstorms, I think this brain trust is really on to something!

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Minesweeper, The Movie

Posted by Pile (11449 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

What else can they make into a movie these days? How about the Windows game, Minesweeper?

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Sports Fan Pays For Team Spirit With Testicles

Posted by ueberbill (12872 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Mean People]
Some people take college football rivalries pretty seriously. Aggressive trash talking or some mild vandalism are not uncommon when some see the colors of their school's hated rival. Some folks, however, are so serious they'll literally tear your balls off.

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How Do You Promote A Chocolate Bar?

Posted by Pile (14348 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

With a gorilla of course... right?


Doctor Buys Huge Interest In Lion's Gate, Distributor of Sicko

Posted by Pile (13926 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Would you find it suspicious that a doctor with heavy ties to the HMO and Pharmaceutical industry suddenly went on a quest to acquire controlling interest in Lion's Gate, the distribution company for Michael Moore's movie, "Sicko" a week before it opened? And then the movie's release in theaters seems to rapidly diminish? Coincedence? Or has Lion's Gate now become a puppet of big pharma?

Bill Maher's upcoming film critical of religion is also set to be distributed by Lion's Gate. Are we going to see a trend of activist films being limited in distribution by their corporate controllers?

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Rapper Aims At Pharmaceutical Companies With Hilarious Spoof

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The New Jersey rapper, Sudden Death, has launched a free-to-play track which mocks the drug industry's direct-to-consumer advertising. The song, titled Pillagers, describes the experience of a man taking two dozen pills for various conditions and being prescribed the drug Liquiplox that "relaxes the lining of your throat making it easier to take pills". "Liquiplox isn't for everyone. People without health insurance or who otherwise may be unable to pay should not take Liquiplox. Do not stop taking any of your other medications without consulting your doctor as this may cause an unsafe drop in our profit margins."

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Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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[Movie Reviews]
I was hoping I wasn't going to regret watching this movie. I guess it depends upon whether I had any significant expectations.... I should have first attended a class of "Defense Against the Dark Arts" to warn me of the impending charm of unoriginality cast over the production of this latest Potter movie.

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The "Facts" Behind Michael Moore's "Sicko" Movie

Posted by Pile (74298 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Michael Moore's new movie "Sicko" unleashes a substantive indictment of the American Healthcare industry. Is it accurate?

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Sicko Opens Today, Michael Moore Responds To Critics

Posted by Pile (12360 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

As Michael Moore's new movie, "Sicko" opens today, all sorts of things are flying, from rumors that the Feds are going after the people whom he took to Cuba, to an interesting exchange in front of the NYSE, and we have the video, where Michael Moore, on the steps of the New York Stock Exchange talks about how to improve healthcare, urges fund managers to stop investing in companies that profit from denying people healthcare, and responds to critics of the movie's details.

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BSAlert Movie Review: 1408

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[Movie Reviews]
They say nobody can spend a night in room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel without killing themselves. I haven't stayed in room 1408, but I felt like killing myself a few times while watching this movie...

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Mr. Santorum Goes To Hollywood

Posted by ueberbill (9057 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In one of the most frightening developments in entertainment since Jim Belushi's last feature film, it turns out Ricky Santorum (a man so reviled there was an internet-driven attempt to get his name intimately associated with anal sex) is in early talks about a movie project of his. Ex-Senator Santorum is working with producer Stephen McEveety, who has produced quite a few movies for another one of this country's crackpots, Mel Gibson.

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Free Hugs

Posted by Pile (12354 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

What happens when a guy goes around with a sign that says, "Free Hugs?"

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When Logos Attack

Posted by ueberbill (11285 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

There is a peculiar disease that affects a certain group of people every few years. Those people? Olympic organizers. The disease? Dumb logo mania. Whether it's cavorting panda bears or a truly ridiculous torch/bee/spring combination, the people who are tasked with coming up with an Olympic logo, a logo which is meant to show the entire world that your city is not going to screw up the Olympics, can be some real morons. And the right honorable Brits are no different.

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If I Were On Broadcast Television I Would Say "F*ck Yeah!"

Posted by ueberbill (10530 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A U.S. Appeals Court (the shoulder to cry on of the federal judiciary) recently overruled federal regulators who had decided that expletives spoken on broadcast tv is in violation of decency standards. The New York court said that the FCC's new policy on so-called fleeting expletives "arbitrary and capricious." An arbitrary and capricious conservative federal policy about decency? No shit.

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See The Trailer For Michael Moore's New Movie, "Sicko"

Posted by Pile (12423 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The movie that even Republican and Conservatives are calling brilliant is getting ready to hit theaters. Check out the trailer for Michael Moore's documentary on healthcare: SICKO.

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Happy Birthday George Carlin!

Posted by Pile (13557 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The greatest comedian alive turns 70 years old. Happy Birthday George!

Let's take a walk through some of George's memorable material...

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100 Worst Cover Songs

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Retrocrush has put together a scary yet entertaining list of the 100 worst cover songs in history. If you think you have heard some bad covers before, check out this outrageous list, along with videos of most of the horrid transgressions.

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Music For One Apartment And Six Drummers

Posted by Pile (12417 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Check out this amazingly creative percussion ensemble. What happens when you have six percussionists invade a European apartment?

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