Mr. Santorum Goes To Hollywood

Posted by ueberbill (9427 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In one of the most frightening developments in entertainment since Jim Belushi's last feature film, it turns out Ricky Santorum (a man so reviled there was an internet-driven attempt to get his name intimately associated with anal sex) is in early talks about a movie project of his. Ex-Senator Santorum is working with producer Stephen McEveety, who has produced quite a few movies for another one of this country's crackpots, Mel Gibson.

Apparently the story will involve (please say gay cowboys, please say gay cowboys, please say...) three Iranian brothers (aww) who each take different paths in their lives, with one of them winding up as a terrorist (I'm going to go ahead and spoil the ending of this one for you--we end up having to bomb Iran to save the world). Despite the producer's association with Braveheart star Gibson, Santorum is quick to say he's not doing the project with Mel--apparently not enough people are flogged, chopped up, or beheaded for his taste. No word yet on a title but I'm voting for 231 Virgins For Three Brothers.


Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-06-21 11:34:16
A successful internet-driven attempt, if you please! What's the first result if you Google Santorum?

Love the potential movie title, but I sincerely hope this film never makes it. We get enough right-wing propaganda every day on Fox News.
Posted by Pile on 2007-06-22 10:10:04
ewwwwwwwww, but it couldn't happen to a nicer guy I'll tell you that.

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