First Look: Exclusive Radiohead In Rainbows Box Set

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We here at BSAlert are big Radiohead fans, so it's with much excitement we give you a first look at the limited-edition Radiohead box set for their new In Rainbows album that was sold exclusively online.

If I have one criticism, it's that this boxed set is about an inch larger in size than a standard LP album sleeve, so it probably won't fit on any standard album-sized shelving.

On New Year's Eve Radiohead will be broadcasting their performance of In Rainbows at the web site

From Thom Yorke:
Dear Reader

Hope you are having a peaceful christmas.

As you may now have heard we will be broadcasting a pre-recording of some songs and other bits on New Years Eve..
you will be able to view it online from here at midnight new years eve, uk time that is...

as well as other places that i am not sure about.

this is a wee celebration of the release of the physical manifestation of 'in rainbows'.

yours hopefully


The pre-recorded set is an hour long, and will premier New Year’s Eve on both the television an the Internet, according to Billboard. Current TV and has the honors, and will begin airing the performance starting at 12 a.m. ET on December 31, and will rerun the program another three times throughout the day.


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