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AMD Suing Intel Over Claim Their Compiler Sabotages AMD Software

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AMD has filed suit against Intel claiming the company is employing monopolist-like powers in sabotaging AMDs efforts to be competitive. Among the many claims is that Intel's compiler which prepares software to run on both Intel and AMD machines, checks to see which CPU is being used and intentionally generates less-efficient and slower code for machines running a non-Intel/AMD CPU.

IMO, considering how much faster and more-efficient AMD CPUs are over Intel, we may be looking at even more performance gains when using AMD CPUs if this claim is proven true and Intel has to correct their AMD-sabotaging code.

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Dell Shuts Down Part Of Its Online Customer Service

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Want to complain on Dell's website about its customer service? Too late - the Customer Support Forums, operational until last Friday, have been shut down, apparently to try to quell bad publicity there about Dell products and especially after-care service.

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Online Gamer Murdered Over Theft of Virtual Sword

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[Mean People]
You know you're taking gaming too seriously when you go out and stab someone because they snatched a sword from your fictional role-playing-game character, but that's exactly what happened in China.

Qiu Chengwei stabbed Zhu Caoyuan in the chest when he found out he had sold his virtual sword for 7,200 Yuan (~ $700).

The sword, which Mr Qiu had lent to Mr Zhu, was won in the popular online game Legend of Mir 3. Qiu was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in China. I guess Zhu didn't have time to buff before the melee started.

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BSA Publishes Fantasy Figures on Software Piracy

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[Dubious Research]
The Business Software Alliance, a group dedicated towards controlling software piracy, has come under fire for releasing a report claiming that 35% of software installed on computers is pirated and costs companies more than $33 Billion a year in lost revenue.

The Economist and others have blown the lid off the BSA's research methodology, which is apparently based on the illogical premise that any program someone would pirate, they would otherwise pay for.

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Anti-Virus Update Wipes Out Hundreds Of Thousands of Computers

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A faulty update to anti-virus software released over the weekend by Tokyo-based Trend Micro has caused PCs to slow down or stop working around the world.

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Transparent Wallpaper

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Is it an amazing new monitor technology, or just some nerds with a little too much time to kill?

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Java Flaw Exposes Firefox Users to IE Vulnerabilities

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In an ironic technological twist, users who have switched from IE to Firefox for their browser may find they can still be infected by rogue Java programs that can spawn an instance of Internet Explorer to download a malicious program. However, the user will still need to approve via a dialogue box, the execution of the Java applet. In this day and age, I still don't understand why anybody would want to use Java. Most users should be *highly suspicious* of any Java application which needs any special permissions on your system to run.

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Blow Yourself Up

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[The "Buzz"]
Are you feeling a little small? Maybe you want to blow yourself up? Maybe you and some friends or your favorite subject?

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Symantec's Antivirus Products Become Prey For Viruses

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Symantec, makers of annoying mafia-ware anti-virus software was dealt a further blow when independent teams published a security advisory showing Symantec's products to have vulnerabilities that would allow viruses to compromise PCs.

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SCO's Days Are Numbered

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SCO, the company suing IBM claiming that Linux infringes on their intellectual property, narrowly escaped a summary judgement in what most call a grossly bogus case brought by the ailing software company that is desperate to litigate itself back into solvency.

"Despite the vast disparity between SCO's public accusations and its actual evidence - or complete lack thereof - and the resulting temptation to grant IBM's motion, the court has determined that it would be premature to grant summary judgment," Judge Kimball wrote.

However, any time now, SCO's song-and-dance will end.

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Musical Degrees of Separation

Posted by ttt (10048 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Some French people have come up with a very clever and creative web site which shows graphical representations of music artists, their influences and other bands they've been in. A very ingenious and creative use of technology.

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For the Ultimate Couch Potato

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So you're looking for the ultimate in comfort as you atrophy while playing Unreal Tournament or watching CSI: Silicon Valley? A UK company, Bluebroc, may have what you're looking for. Rumor has it their next model has an optional catheter attachment.

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Another ex-employee of TechTV/G4 speaks out

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Dan Huard started out as a nerdy intern at TechTV, the San Francisco-based cable channel dedicated towards all things tech. He worked his way up to associate producer and tells us what things were like, including after the takeover of the network by a bunch of "suits" who merged it with "G4" and tried to package the once-proud network into a stupid and insipid shill for the video game industry.

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Use Windows' media files: get infected

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Think you're downloading a new song or video? Watch out--that file may be stuffed with pop-ups and adware. Unscrupulous organizations, some of whom have been helping the RIAA and MPAA fight online piracy are now exploiting holes in *gasp* Windows media file formats to hide malicious programs and spyware.

It should be noted that while this is yet another scare tactic designed to stagnate all forms of media trading, including legitimate, licensed music, MP3 files are immune to these issues. Like anyone needed additional reasons to avoid .WMA, and other Windows-specific file formats.

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Merry Christmas from Bill Gates: 4 new Windows flaws!

Posted by RantMaster (9908 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A Chinese security group has released sample code to exploit two new unpatched flaws in Microsoft Windows.

The advisory comes in the week before Christmas, a time when many companies and home users are least prepared to deal with the problems. Security firm Symantec warned its clients of the vulnerabilities on Thursday, after the Chinese company that found the flaws published them to the Internet.

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Exploit launched for most popular web messageboard app

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CERT has sent out a security bulletin outlining what appears to be a major flaw in phpBB, the Internet's most popular messageboard software. There appears to be automated scripts seeking out vulnerable messageboards on the Internet, whereupon they are compromised or defaced. Mediocre webmasters all over the world will end up having some holiday headaches if they don't update their systems.

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Holiday greeting e-mail hides nasty worm

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The Zafi.D worm, which disguises itself as an e-mail holiday greeting, is currently the most frequently detected worldwide virus, software security company Panda Software said this week.

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Only takes 4 Minutes online before your Microsoft PC is infected

Posted by Pile (8090 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

USA Today has a story outlining how long ones' fresh PC might last connected to the Internet before it's infected. If you're running Microsoft XP with SP1, you may have approximately four minutes of time before your PC is infected and compromised. This is an indication of the overwhelming amount of virus/worm traffic randomly hitting Internet machines that the top-level ISPs adn the enforcement authorities seem to not give a damn about addressing.

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New screen saver fights back against spammers

Posted by RantMaster (9542 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

"Make Love Not Spam": Lycos has announced a clever new free screen saver that targets known spam servers and when your computer is idle, drains a bit of bandwidth from them, supposedly to cost spammers more money in bandwidth costs. Seems like a cool idea to me.

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Bofra worm spreading - even via well known sites

Posted by Pile (8830 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Reason # 34,871,190 to switch to Firefox. Yet another worm is spreading across the net and your computer can be infected by merely clicking on an otherwise innocuous link. This affects anyone running Windows and using Internet Explorer without SP2 installed. This new virus attaches your computer to various IRC channels and allows the public to have completely control of it remotely. Bad stuff.

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