Only takes 4 Minutes online before your Microsoft PC is infected

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USA Today has a story outlining how long ones' fresh PC might last connected to the Internet before it's infected. If you're running Microsoft XP with SP1, you may have approximately four minutes of time before your PC is infected and compromised. This is an indication of the overwhelming amount of virus/worm traffic randomly hitting Internet machines that the top-level ISPs adn the enforcement authorities seem to not give a damn about addressing.


so what?
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-15 14:09:28
so what can we do about it smart one? what do you want from me? do you think i'm fat or something, because for your info i only way 107!!!!!!!!
and i'm a hottie!!!!!!!and i'm a "special" person so there!!!!!!!

P.S. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-15 14:12:04
hey.............i'm the one who just wrote to you . you know the one you called FAT!!!
any ways, i thought it was kind of mean sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

(not realy you stupid LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
super nerd
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-15 14:16:43
you must have like no free time like ever to wast your time on a stupid website like this.....
the only reason that i am bothering is because im a fruitcake and i have nothing better to do, but at least i know i dont have anything better to do!!!!!!!!!

and just for the record, this website is actuly pretty cool i just wanted to make a point LOSER LOSER LOSER LOSER LOSER LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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