For the Ultimate Couch Potato

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So you're looking for the ultimate in comfort as you atrophy while playing Unreal Tournament or watching CSI: Silicon Valley? A UK company, Bluebroc, may have what you're looking for. Rumor has it their next model has an optional catheter attachment.


Real Product
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-26 18:09:39
I actually work with this company and their C-station is very comfortable indeed. The 2 seater was designed as a result of requests from clients for such an item. The designer Paul has put a lot of work and thought into this product family. Look for more product lines. This product shot is a rendering I produced for promotional purposes but it will be a real product. The first order will be delivered within 6 weeks.

Mario Georgiou
Posted by Holla[at]urboi on 2005-02-16 08:37:58
Looks very elegant and appealing. I bet it's a pretty price. Very nice design my friend.

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