Merry Christmas from Bill Gates: 4 new Windows flaws!

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A Chinese security group has released sample code to exploit two new unpatched flaws in Microsoft Windows.

The advisory comes in the week before Christmas, a time when many companies and home users are least prepared to deal with the problems. Security firm Symantec warned its clients of the vulnerabilities on Thursday, after the Chinese company that found the flaws published them to the Internet.

One vulnerability, in the operating system's LoadImage function, could enable an attacker to compromise a victim's PC when the computer displays a specially crafted image placed on a Web site or in an e-mail. The other vulnerability, in the Windows Help program, likewise could affect any program that opens a Help file.


hot dog buns
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-12-30 12:13:16
why do hot dog buns come in packs of 10,while hot dogs come in packs of 8?i have written several letters to the responsible entities,and they assure me theyll rectify the problem.i'm considered a local hero for my efforts
peter c madida.

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