BSA Publishes Fantasy Figures on Software Piracy

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[Dubious Research]
The Business Software Alliance, a group dedicated towards controlling software piracy, has come under fire for releasing a report claiming that 35% of software installed on computers is pirated and costs companies more than $33 Billion a year in lost revenue.

The Economist and others have blown the lid off the BSA's research methodology, which is apparently based on the illogical premise that any program someone would pirate, they would otherwise pay for.

Even the amount of software they claim is pirated is based on what many feel are flawed calculations between software sold and number of computers in existence across the world -- no details on whether or not compatibility is even a factor in their outrageous claims.

BSA called the article "offensive" and went so far as to lay down another steaming statement:

The implication that an industry would purposely inflate the rate of piracy and its impact to suit its political aims is ridiculous.

Ok, right. Forgive me for subscribing to this notion that any entity might be motivated to release false information in order to further its own agenda, least of all largely unaccountable lobbyist groups that ultimately have little accountability. Thanks for pointing that out BSA.



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