Use Windows' media files: get infected

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Think you're downloading a new song or video? Watch out--that file may be stuffed with pop-ups and adware. Unscrupulous organizations, some of whom have been helping the RIAA and MPAA fight online piracy are now exploiting holes in *gasp* Windows media file formats to hide malicious programs and spyware.

It should be noted that while this is yet another scare tactic designed to stagnate all forms of media trading, including legitimate, licensed music, MP3 files are immune to these issues. Like anyone needed additional reasons to avoid .WMA, and other Windows-specific file formats.

PC World has learned that some Windows Media files on peer-to-peer networks such as Kazaa contain code that can spawn a string of pop-up ads and install adware. They look just like regular songs or short videos in Windows Media format, but launch ads instead of media clips.


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