PATH: BS | Science | Psychology
Fundamentalists Will Prove God Exists In 13 Minutes
Posted by Pile
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[Psychology] |
Ok everybody, hold onto your hat.... actor Kirk Cameron and "best-selling" author Ray Comfort (aka "Banana Man") will square off with two atheists, known as the Rational Responders in New York on Saturday, May 5. ABC originally planned to stream the 90-minute debate LIVE on their website, but decided to reschedule the broadcast to capture a larger audience. Watch the Face Off Wednesday May 9 at 2 p.m. on ABC News Now, and on Nightline at 11:35 p.m.
Of course, we'll have the video here as soon as it becomes available... get excited... Ray Comfort, the guy who proved God exists by wielding a banana promises he can convince a national audience he will win a debate against the Rational Response team, a group of Internet atheists.
We've covered this before, check out our recent religious debate article.
UPDATE: Brian from RRS has publicly acknowledged that yours truly, Pile, has contributed to some of the content of the debate. The video should be out Wednesday.. stay tuned. |
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Cable Networks Pander To Partisian Brains Wired To Ignore Facts
Posted by Pile
(10130 views) [E-Mail link]
Director of Clinical Psychology at Emory University, Drew Westen studies the way that psychology and politics intersect, and he says the format of cable TV news -- throwing out a topic to two representatives of opposite sides -- capitalizes on a design flaw in the human brain. People believe what they want to believe, no matter what the facts are.
As a result, highly-polarized people, such as self-promoting Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives tend to ignore facts that do not substantiate their side. And mainstream media propogates and panders to these flaws, especially via a method of creating "demon" icons like fundamentalist radicalists, Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, the ACLU or PETA. These references create such irrational contempt among certain polarized groups that they ignore facts on relevant issues to which they may not even be associated. In other words, you can tell a republican that Rush Limbaugh burned down his neighbor's house and he may suggest the neighbor deserved it, but if someone from PETA steps on his lawn, he might want them arrested for trespassing. |
READ MORE | 8 comments since 2012-11-14 01:45:30 | Comment on this Article |