Who has the smarter supporters?

Posted by RantMaster (9742 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Ok, we're going to settle this once and for all. Here's a breakdown of average I.Q. by state cross referenced with the 2004 presidential election results.

State Avg. IQ 2004
1 Connecticut 113 Kerry
2 Massachusetts 111 Kerry
3 New Jersey 111 Kerry
4 New York 109 Kerry
5 Rhode Island 107 Kerry
6 Hawaii 106 Kerry
7 Maryland 105 Kerry
8 New Hampshire 105 Kerry
9 Illinois 104 Kerry
10 Delaware 103 Kerry
11 Minnesota 102 Kerry
12 Vermont 102 Kerry
13 Washington 102 Kerry
14 California 101 Kerry
15 Pennsylvania 101 Kerry
16 Maine 100 Kerry
17 Virginia 100 Bush
18 Wisconsin 100 Kerry
19 Colorado 99 Bush
20 Iowa 99 Bush
21 Michigan 99 Kerry
22 Nevada 99 Bush
23 Ohio 99 Bush
24 Oregon 99 Kerry
25 Alaska 98 Bush
26 Florida 98 Bush
27 Missouri 98 Bush
28 Kansas 96 Bush
29 Nebraska 95 Bush
30 Arizona 94 Bush
31 Indiana 94 Bush
32 Tennessee 94 Bush
33 North Carolina 93 Bush
34 West Virginia 93 Bush
35 Arkansas 92 Bush
36 Georgia 92 Bush
37 Kentucky 92 Bush
38 New Mexico 92 Bush
39 North Dakota 92 Bush
40 Texas 92 Bush
41 Alabama 90 Bush
42 Louisiana 90 Bush
43 Montana 90 Bush
44 Oklahoma 90 Bush
45 South Dakota 90 Bush
46 South Carolina 89 Bush
47 Wyoming 89 Bush
48 Idaho 87 Bush
49 Utah 87 Bush
50 Mississippi 85 Bush

Details here.


I don't think so
Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-11-07 01:39:32
Although I agree wholeheartedly with the underlying sentiment, this is ridiculous.

Why? Because there's no way to get a valid average IQ score for a whole state. IQ scores are generally private, and even if they were collected, they would only be valid if they were from a truly random sample. And since IQ tests are not given randomly anywhere that I know of, you can't get a valid average score.

Finally, where exactly do these scores come from? At least if there were a link to the source of the scores, you could see how they were supposedly calculated. You could if they were done in any sort of scientifically valid way, anyway. But that is highly unlikely.
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-07 12:28:31
Considering that the illiteracy rate in America is about 30-40% it is not surprising that Bush won regardless of I.Q.
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-11-09 00:18:47
Can you disagree with the general statistics though by state? It seems to make sense. CN and MA being states with a smarter average I.Q. and MS and UT being on the lower end? Is anybody surprised? What exactly are you contesting? That Mississippi is a state full of intellectuals?

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