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Administration Unveils Latest Iraq Buzz-Phrase: New Way Forward
Posted by Pile
(11808 views) [E-Mail link]
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Who needs a plan when you have a new slogan! Because YOU, the A.D.D. American public can't be bothered to understand the details of anything, you get a new slogan! Aren't you excited?
The Bush administration and the same folks who gave you: Operation Enduring Freedom, Cut and run, Stay The Course, You're-Either-With-Us-Or-With-The-Terrorists, You Forgot Poland, USA Patriot Act, Support Our Troops, Activist Judges, People Who "Hate Our Freedom," Islamo-Facists, Surrender Monkey, Iraq Is The Central Front On The War On Terror, Politics of Hate, Compassionate Conservatism, Weak On National Security and more have a new slogan... it's not a real plan. Instead it's a buzzword about the idea of a plan. It's called A New Way Forward. Feeling warm and fuzzy yet? |
READ MORE | 2 comments since 2006-12-14 10:16:51 | Comment on this Article |
FEMA to Homeless: Don't Call Us, We'll Call You.
Posted by Pile
(6407 views) [E-Mail link]
Kim Calcagno in Marrero escaped hurricane Katrina's wrath and managed to move back into her home not too long after the disaster. Imagine her surprise when she received a phone call from FEMA offering her the use of a trailer as a temporary home. She didn't need the trailer, but her brother, who lost everything and had no place to stay did. Upon asking FEMA if she could get the trailer for her brother, she was told FEMA can't do that, and would eventually get around to contacting her brother regarding living arrangements.
Apparently what's happening is FEMA is randomly calling the 600,000 people who have filed claims and offering trailers, with no logic or method of prioritizing resources on the basis of need. Nevermind that many who are homeless might not be easily contacted, FEMA representative James McIntyre said, "If they've been displaced, they're all in the same situation, regardles of the level of devastation. We have no way of knowing who has returned home and who has not." This makes no sense as they certainly have records of most people who entered shelters, and seem to have no desire whatsoever to coordinate relief efforts with local or state authorities who know which families need help. |
READ MORE | 4 comments since 2005-11-30 14:48:01 | Comment on this Article |