Janet Jackson's Nipples More Dangerous Than Coal Mining

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[Pubic Relations]
Yesterday, five miners died in a Kentucky mine explosion. Some are asking what's being done to improve mining conditions.

George Miller, who co-sponsored a miner safety bill in the wake of the Sago mine tragedy, that Congress doesn't seem to care about, says "When Janet Jackson had her wardrobe [malfunction], it took Congress 40 days to change the law...It's now over 120 days, and Congress hasn't done a damn thing about securing a safer workplace for these miners and for these families."

Obviously the problem is these miners aren't wearing g-strings.

Five Kentucky miners are dead in an explosion more than a half mile below the earth in the mountains of Harlan County. Only one miner made it out of Darby Mine Number 1 alive.

Already in 2006, 31 miners have died, nine more than all of last year in part because more coal is being mined. That means less-experienced miners working more hours, critics say.

"Here we go again," said Kenny Johnson, chaplain of the United Mine Workers of America union. "It's just one coal mine tragedy after another. And there seems to be a lot of people talking about it. But the changes they're making is just not getting to the root, the heart of the matter."

'We Need to Step Up'

There are two bills before Congress that would increase the amount of emergency oxygen miners have underground, require rescue teams are no more than an hour away from every mine in the country, and dramatically increase fines for mine companies that break the rules.

But Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., who co-sponsored one of those bills, thinks Congress has been too slow in fixing a crisis, now four months after 12 miners died at West Virginia's Sago Mine.

Davitt McAteer, who is investigating the Sago Mine disaster, said action is needed.



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