Top Republican Lobbyist Gets Prison Time

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Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff on Tuesday pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy, mail fraud and tax evasion. He admitted to conspiring to defraud his lobbying clients, and trying to bribe lawmakers and congressional aides with campaign contributions, meals, trips and sports tickets. He is expected to serve about 10 years in prison. Rumor has it this guy can also implicate former majority leader Tom DeLay. Is more justice coming? Don't expect the mainstream media to report on this accurately.

No politicians are named in the papers filed on Tuesday by the Justice Department but prosecutors are understood to be investigating at least a dozen lawmakers, congressional aides and lobbyists, including Mr DeLay and Bob Ney of Ohio, a fellow Republican lawmaker.

Mr Abramoff’s long-awaited decision to plead guilty and co-operate with federal investigators will give the Justice Department powerful new ammunition in its probe of alleged patterns of corruption and bribery within the ranks of the Republican leadership.

Democrats are hoping to exploit the perception of a “culture of corruption” among Republican leaders in the November congressional elections, although some Democrats also received campaign contributions from Mr Abramoff.

The charges on Tuesday said: “It was a purpose of the conspiracy for defendant Abramoff, Scanlon and others to enrich themselves by obtaining substantial funds from their clients through fraud and concealment.”

Some of these funds were used to try to influence an unnamed congressman to “perform a series of official acts” including passing legislation.



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