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The World No Longer Trusts The United States

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Global opinion of U.S. foreign policy has sharply deteriorated in the past two years, according to a BBC poll released on the eve of President Bush's annual State of the Union address.

Nearly three-quarters of those polled in 25 countries disapprove of U.S. policies toward Iraq, and more than two-thirds said the U.S. military presence in the Middle East does more harm than good. Nearly half of those polled in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East said the United States is now playing a mainly negative role in the world.

More than 26,000 people were questioned for the survey.

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British Scientists Working On Creating "Zombie Cows"

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[Beating Dead Horses]
News that the daughter of a US clone cow has been born on a British farm has moved the issue from science fiction to consumer reality. While some are concerned about this bringing on a new crop of "farmyard freaks", scientists boast of the ability to create "zombie cows" which in-effect don't mind living their life in cramped spaces and ultimately being slaughtered for food.

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Dan Savage: Who's Next To Hang After Saddam? God

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Who we should hang after we hang Saddam Hussein?


Saddam Hussein found guilty of executing fewer than 200 men and boys after an assassination attempt was made on the dictator’s life near the village where these unfortunate men and boys lived. They weren’t guilty of any wrongdoing—but that didn’t stop Hussein from having these men and boys rounded up, tortured, and executed. Saddam was sending a message to all of Iraq:

“Don’t want f*ck with me, people, because that’s going to make me mad and when I’m mad I f*cking kill people—yes, even people that had nothing to do with whatever it was that made me mad in the first place. So not only should you avoid pissing me off, you need to keep an eye on your friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens to make sure they don’t piss me off. Because if they do, then a bunch of folks are gonna die—and that might include you and your whole family.”

Saddam’s crime was horrific — it’s the same crime that got hundreds of Nazis strung up after WWII. When a despot or an occupying power or a rebel army tortures and kills innocent people to send a message to, say, the population of occupied France or Kosovo or Iraq, that’s what known as reprisal killings, and that’s a war crime. And it mystifies me that American fundamentalists constantly accusing Jesus Christ—the Lamb of God, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of All Mankind, etc.—of engaging in reprisal killings and summary executions on a scale that would make a genocidal maniac like Hussein blush. Read the bible lately?

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U.S. Caught Shipping Tainted Beef To S. Korea (again)

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[Beating Dead Horses]
South Korea has asked the United States to explain why a shipment of American beef rejected for having banned bone fragments also contained unacceptable levels of the toxic chemical dioxin, an official said Friday.

The discovery was the latest bad news for the U.S. cattle industry in South Korea, already dealing with the rejection of three recent shipments of beef for including banned bone fragments, which South Korea fears could potentially harbor mad cow disease.

Officials said the beef with the dioxin was in the third of the shipments, which was rejected on Dec. 6.

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The Decider Decides To Not Decide Yet

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[Beating Dead Horses]
President George W. "I Am the Decider!" Bush is delaying until some time in January his planned report to the nation on the direction he and aides are charting for the United States in Iraq. Meanwhile the American soldier death toll in Iraq is nearing 3000, tens of thousands of Americans injured, and reports of upwards of 500,000 dead Iraqis. But hey, what's another month... listen to what even CNN is saying now about "The Decider!"

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The Sad Saga of James Kim

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[Beating Dead Horses]
It's a big buzz on the Internet and the mainstream media is all over the place. In the spirit of young white girls who go missing in exotic places, San Francisco tech writer James Kim drove his family into the middle of the wilderness in Oregon, got them stranded, and unfortunately died while wandering off from his vehicle into the frozen cliffs.

This is a sad state of affairs, but as usual, the media is blowing this totally out of proportion. What gets me are the folks calling this guy a "hero." I think our definition of hero needs a little bit of work. It's very sad that the guy died, but when you hear the details of this story, it reads like a classic cautionary tale of what NOT to do if you're driving cross-country.

Before people lambast me for my nerve to question the wisdom of Mr. Kim's decisions which led to his death and the near death of his family, I ask, is it any better for the media to replay this tragedy over and over? Who is exploiting this tragedy for selling advertising, and who might want to at least point out there are some lessons to be learned beyond merely mourning for an associate? It's just a thought.

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Blow Your Load For Peace!

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Give the Shah one in the eye! Show George W. by riding the Great White Knuckler! Beat the insurgency AND your bishop! Encouraged by Princeton's Global Consciousness Project, non-profit group Baring Witness (usually known for getting nekkid for peace) has come up with the Global Orgasm Project. In a little over 3 weeks (ticker available on their website for exact time), everyone in the world (especially those in countries with WMDs) is encouraged to masturbate ("with as much privacy as you choose") and concentrate all thoughts before, during, and after orgasm on world peace. Unless you're Catholic, then you'll be concentrating on the mortal sin you just committed. So liberal guilt isn't bad enough--now I have to feel guilty that I'm not thinking about world peace whilst cranking the shank?

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What Have We Learned From History: Trojan Horses

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[Beating Dead Horses]
An enterprising group of Aussies have asked the question: What have we learned from history? Specifically in the case of the Trojan War, where the Greeks managed to get their army past the gates of Troy.

So have we learned anything? Let's find out...

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Single Chimp Seeks Older Female For Perpetuation of the Species

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[Beating Dead Horses]
A study published in the journal Current Biology reveals that chimpanzees of any age prefer older female chimps when seeking a mate and younger females have to beg for attention of the sexual kind. It is what the researchers call "one of the biggest behavioural differences between humans and our closest biological relatives" (other than public masturbation and flinging fecal matter, that is).

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Borat Gets A Beatdown

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Actor Sacha Baron Cohen, who has both received and generated an irritating amount of press lately over his new movie Borat, has discovered that some American's are not huge fans of his work. It's already been fairly widely reported that Cohen is being sued by two Chi Psis at USC after allegedly being duped into getting drunk and making sexist and racist remarks on camera (I'm guessing the only part that wasn't par for the course for the pair was doing those things on camera). However Cohen was recently punched repeatedly in the face after he tried to use his schtick on a passer-by in New York. Sure it might be insensitive, but... HA!

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Holy Porpoise Chorus, Batman!

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Scientists at New College of Florida in Sarasota have been able to get dolphins at Disney's Epcot Center to sing a short, high-pitched version of the Batman soundtrack. Using rewards and repetition, the dolphins were taught to recognize and repeat various rhythms at various frequencies. This is the first evidence that other animals can recognize and reproduce rhythms vocally, a real breakthrough. I'm not so sure--if they could teach them to truly appreciate the 1966 feature-length Batman movie, THAT would be something.

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Kwan's Kwazy New Job

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Michelle Kwan (yes, that's right, THE Michelle Kwan) is going to be named by Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice as a "public diplomacy ambassador." The champion skater is expected to travel all around and "represent American values," especially to young people and sports fans (well, ice skating fans, anyway). The position is unsalaried, so at least the federal government is not going to spend money on this.

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Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld Cuts and Runs

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the controversial face of U.S. war policy, quit on Wednesday after Democrats rode Americans' anger over Iraq to victory in Tuesday's congressional elections.

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Republican Don Sherwood Pays Mistress To Keep Quiet, Or Not

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[Beating Dead Horses]
[Pubic Relations]
A Republican congressman accused of abusing his ex-mistress agreed to pay her about $500,000 in a settlement last year that contained a powerful incentive for her to keep quiet until after Election Day, a person familiar with the terms of the deal told The Associated Press.

Rep. Don Sherwood is locked in a tight re-election race against a Democratic opponent who has seized on the four-term congressman's relationship with the woman. While Sherwood acknowledged the woman was his mistress, he denied abusing her and said that he had settled her $5.5 million lawsuit on confidential terms.

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New Technique To Protect Kids From School Shootings: Textbooks!

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In the wake of recent school shootings, a candidate for Oklahoma state superintendent of education has announced a bold new proposal to keep kids safe without spending more on school security. Republican Bill Crozier suggests that students can defend themselves from school shooters by using textbooks to stop bullets fired at them. “If elected” he promises that thick used textbooks will be placed at the ready under every school desk.

Finally, the republicans find a use for books!

Wait, you have to see their video demonstration!

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Olbermann: US Government Now More Dangerous Than Our Enemies

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Olbermann points out that this may be "the beginning of the end" of freedom and liberty for United States citizens. No word yet if CSI will be cancelled, which apparently would create a bigger uproar among the populace.

History shakes its head in shame. See the video everyone is talking about.

Habeas Corpus R.I.P. 7/12/1215 - 10/17/2006

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Mom, Dad--Stop Kidnapping Me!

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[Bad Parents]
[Beating Dead Horses]
Two parents who told their daughter they were taking her on a pre-wedding shopping trip are now charged with kidnapping the woman. Instead of a taking a trip to a local Provo, Utah mall, they drove their protesting daughter 240 miles to Grand Junction, Colorodo while trying to convince her not to get married.

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Why Don't You Go Foley Yourself?

Posted by wizeGurl (9048 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Beating Dead Horses]
Judging by the latest e-mail transcripts that ABC News has gotten its hands on, Congressman Mark Foley had a particular interest in getting those underage male pages to perform a specific act. In a fitting homage, we at BSAlert respectfully suggest that in the future, this act be known as the reflexive verb "foley." (Sample usage: "I was a bit self-conscious, until my friend suggested that I foley myself.")

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First Rule of Congress: Don't Choke Your Mistress!

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[Beating Dead Horses]
You know...if you're a Pennsylvanian Congressman who constantly touts the conservative party line and spouts about "family values", it might be a bad idea, at 60, to be exposed for having an affair with a woman more than half your age for more than half a decade, and then trying to strangle her. Don't ya think?

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Pope Urges Mankind To Choose Religion Over Science & Progress

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday warned modern societies not to let faith in science and technology make them deaf to God's message, and suggested that Asia and Africa could teach the wealthier West something about faith.

In his sermon to some 250,000 pilgrims at an open-air Mass in Munich, Benedict said modern people suffered from "hardness of hearing" when it comes to God.

"Put simply, we are no longer able to hear God - there are too many different frequencies filling our ears," he said. "What is said about God strikes us as pre-scientific, no longer suited to our age."

Hey, maybe the Pope finally gets it. When you live in a jungle or desert and have little to do but wake up each day and be surprised you're not dead from starvation or disease, you have to thank God. Everywhere else, where man understands the value of science and medicine to extend life and provide protection and security, the notion of believing in a supernatural being who never seems to be there when you need him, and giving money to a group of old guys who use it to pay off secret sex abuse lawsuits, might be obsolete.

It's no surprise that religion flourishes where human suffering is rampant. The pope points that out with a perverse sense of romanticism. Think about it.

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