First Rule of Congress: Don't Choke Your Mistress!

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[Beating Dead Horses]
You know...if you're a Pennsylvanian Congressman who constantly touts the conservative party line and spouts about "family values", it might be a bad idea, at 60, to be exposed for having an affair with a woman more than half your age for more than half a decade, and then trying to strangle her. Don't ya think?

Sex could be the undoing of a family values Republican.

Four-term Rep. Don Sherwood recently had one of the safest seats in Congress as his conservatism played well in his heavily GOP, rural district in northeastern Pennsylvania. Democrats didn't even bother fielding a candidate in the last two elections.

Then last year Sherwood admitted to a five-year extramarital affair with a woman 35 years his junior. He settled a lawsuit claiming he had choked her.

Constituents were stunned. Many turned angry. And some may be turning to his Democratic opponent.

Sherwood won the GOP primary with only 56 percent of the vote even though he faced a political novice who spent less than $5,000 on her campaign.

"I made a mistake that hurt my family and has disappointed some of my constituents," Sherwood said in an interview. "Their disappointment is understandable and I've apologized, and I'm working hard to win them back."



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