PATH: BS | Government | 1984

Kellyann Conway's Masterful Use of Bullshit Exposed

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Kellyanne Conway has a supernatural ability to derail any interview that paints Donald Trump in a negative light. How does she do it?

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New Spin On The Schoolhouse Rock Jingle: How A Bill Becomes Law

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Have you been hearing about ALEC, the force behind laws to privatize public education and break unions, but are not sure what it's all about? Here's a simplistic, but oh so fun explanation.

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SCOTUS Sides With Hobby Lobby To Deny Women's Rights

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The Supreme Court says corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women.

The justices’ 5-4 decision Monday is the first time that the high court has ruled that profit-seeking businesses can hold religious views under federal law. And it means the Obama administration must search for a different way of providing free contraception to women who are covered under objecting companies’ health insurance plans.

Contraception is among a range of preventive services that must be provided at no extra charge under the health care law that President Barack Obama signed in 2010 and the Supreme Court upheld two years later.

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Edward Snowden Interviewed By German TV

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This past Sunday evening former NSA contractor Edward Snowden sat down for an interview with German television network ARD. The interview has been intentionally blocked from the US public, with virtually no major broadcast news outlets covering this story. In addition, the video has been taken down almost immediately every time it’s posted on YouTube.

In contrast, this was treated as a major political event in both print and broadcast media, in Germany, and across much of the world. In the interview, Mr. Snowden lays out a succinct case as to how these domestic surveillance programs undermine and erode human rights and democratic freedom.

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Time Magazine Reveals The Extent Of American Media Spin Over OWS

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[News Media]
We've run these stories before several times, showcasing how the American media clearly has a double standard when it comes to covering relevant news stories, but no media outlet paints a more poignant image of the issues in play than Time Magazine. Once again, feast your eyes on what Americans get to see in the Dec 5th issue of Time, verses the rest of the world.

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Joe Rogan: The Problem In America Is Dumb People

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Joe Rogan lays out an interesting diatribe that explains why he thinks America is messed up...

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GPS Units Caught Sending Speed Data To Government

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It appears every gadget in your possession is tracking your location. First it was the iPhone, then Android phones and now it's your bleedin' sat-nav. TomTom, perhaps in a pre-emptive strike against its own user-tracking scandal, has admitted its sat-navs can track users and inform third parties about how fast they're going.

The sat-navs in TomTom's Live range all feature built-in 3G data cards, which feed location and route information back to a central server, which allows TomTom to create a map of congestion hotspots. It's now emerged that this data, however, along with a user's speed, is being made available to local governments and authorities.

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Wikileaks Julian Assange Interviewed Post-Arrest

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[News Media]
In his first interview since the trumped-up rape charges have been levied against him, Julian Assange addresses various issues, including whether he is a journalist, and the mainstream media's attempt to distance themselves from people like him.

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New Apple Products Keep Constant Tabs On Their Customers

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Your GPS location coordinates, Wifi access point and GSM tower data is constantly saved by Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Snow Leopard and Safari browsers (also Windows version) and sent to Apple in batches every 12 hours...

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The Dark Secret Of Copy Machines

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What if almost every copy machine made in the last year has a secret in it? That undermines everyone's privacy and personal security...

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Congress Makes Operating WiFi Dangerous And Potentially Illegal

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The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a bill saying that anyone offering an open Wi-Fi connection to the public must report illegal images including "obscene" cartoons and drawings--or face fines of up to $300,000.

That broad definition would cover individuals, coffee shops, libraries, hotels, and even some government agencies that provide Wi-Fi. It also sweeps in social-networking sites, domain name registrars, Internet service providers, and e-mail service providers such as Hotmail and Gmail, and it may require that the complete contents of the user's account be retained for subsequent police inspection.

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Declassified Photos Show Bush Global Warming Cover Up

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The Obama Administration recently declassified about 1,000 satellite photographs of Arctic ice the Bush Administration had kept under wraps. The photos didn?t make much of a splash until recently, when two English newspapers, the Guardian and the Daily Mail, published some startling examples of the effects of global warming and how the Bush administration sought to cover this up.

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Jesse Ventura Speaks Out On Waterboarding

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We hear a lot from people who call "waterboarding", "enhanced interrogation techniques" as if it's not torture. Well ex-Governor, ex-Navy Seal Jesse Ventura was waterboarded and talks about what it really is and what it's worth, and he appears on the network thinktank known as "The View" and takes on their token wingnut blonde. Hilarity and PWNage ensue...

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Rumsfeld Sent Bush War Memos Covered With Christian Propaganda

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Just when you thought you've seen it all, appears some recently leaked memos to President Bush on the war status in Iraq -- that are peppered with biblical references supposedly designed to coerce the president into "staying the course" because it is god's will. I wish I was making this up...

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Bush's Eight Years In Office Explained In Eight Minutes

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[News Media] only Keith Olbermann can do..

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Who's Reading Your Communication And Where?

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Believe it or not, the government is outsourcing surveillance of Americans to two Israeli companies.

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Do You Live In A Constitution-Free Zone?

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Did you know the Federal government has decided that if you live within 100 miles of a land or coastal border they have "extraordinary powers" to stop and search you? The ACLU has some info you need to know...

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EFF Sues Bush Administration For Protecting Telcos Wiretapping

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The Bush administration has said the American public can not sue the phone companies who have participated in unconstitutional, illegal surveillance of Americans. As a result, the EFF has filed suit against the Bush administration.

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Amy Goodman Arrested At Republican Convention

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Amy Goodman, much revered journalist and host of "Democracy Now", was grabbed by riot-suited policemen and arrested as she left the Republican National Convention - check out the video...

What's next? Helen Thomas waterboarded?

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Non-Existent KFC In Iraq A Symbol Of War's Success

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Last week on the Fox News network, their pundits beamed over the "opening of a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Fallujah", Iraq. Apparently, the opening of this slave-wage fast food operation is a signal that the invasion is successful, democracy is taking root, the economy is thriving and everything is working.

Unfortunately, reality has a way of hating America, apparently.

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Matt Taibbi's, "The Great Derangement"

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The 21st century gonzo reporter, Matt Taibbi, takes us on revelatory and darkly comic adventure through a nation on the verge of a nervous breakdown—from the halls of Congress to the bases of Baghdad to the apocalyptic churches of the heartland.

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Uncle Sam Wants Your Newborn's DNA

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President Bush last week signed into law a bill which will see the federal government begin to screen the DNA of all newborn babies in the U.S. within six months, a move critics have described as the first step towards the establishment of a national DNA database.

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CIA Expert Fired For Doing His Job Too Well

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He was the CIA's expert on Pakistan's nuclear secrets, but Rich Barlow was thrown out and disgraced when he blew the whistle on a US cover-up. Now he's to have his day in court.

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FBI Caught Doing Widescale Improper Surveillance

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Senior officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation repeatedly approved the use of “blanket” records demands to justify the improper collection of thousands of phone records, according to officials briefed on the practice.

The bureau appears to have used the blanket records demands at least 11 times in 2006 alone as a quick way to clean up mistakes made over several years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to a letter provided to Congress by a lawyer for an F.B.I. agent who witnessed the missteps.

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Bush Declares He Can Open Your Mail

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President Bush quietly has claimed sweeping new powers to open Americans' mail without a judge's warrant.

Bush asserted the new authority Dec. 20 after signing legislation that overhauls some postal regulations. He then issued a "signing statement" that declared his right to open mail under emergency conditions, contrary to existing law and contradicting the bill he had just signed, according to experts who have reviewed it.

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Government Blacklist Now Includes Domain Names??

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Steve Marshall is an English travel agent. He lives in Spain, and he sells trips to Europeans who want to go to sunny places, including Cuba. In October, about 80 of his Web sites stopped working, thanks to the United States government.

The sites, in English, French and Spanish, had been online since 1998. Some, like, were literary. Others, like, discussed Cuban history and culture. Still others — and — were purely commercial sites aimed at Italian and French tourists.

“I came to work in the morning, and we had no reservations at all,” Mr. Marshall said on the phone from the Canary Islands. “We thought it was a technical problem.”

It turned out, though, that Mr. Marshall’s Web sites had been put on a Treasury Department blacklist and, as a consequence, his American domain name registrar, eNom Inc., had disabled them. Mr. Marshall said eNom told him it did so after a call from the Treasury Department; the company, based in Bellevue, Wash., says it learned that the sites were on the blacklist through a blog.

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Your Child Wants A Security Checkpoint Play Set

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In a sign of the times, Playmobil has a new toy set out for children: The Security Checkpoint play set!

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Army Denies Access To Its Public Library Of Documents

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The Army has shut down public access to the largest online collection of its doctrinal publications, a move criticized by open-government advocates as unnecessary secrecy by a runaway bureaucracy.

Army officials moved the Reimer Digital Library ( behind a password-protected firewall on Feb. 6, restricting access to an electronic trove that is popular with researchers for its wealth of field and technical manuals and documents on military operations, education, training and technology. All are unclassified, and most already are approved for public release.

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Dubai Detains Dude For Dainty Doobie

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You know what you don't want to do when travelling through the United Arab Emirates? Carry drugs. Those affluent folk do NOT like narcotics of any kind. Unfortunately for Keith Brown, a British youth worker, he was carrying. The weird part is how much and where he was carrying it.

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Programmer Testifies He Was Paid To Hack Florida Election

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Video is now surfacing showcasing a computer programmer, Clint Curtis testifying that Tom Feeney (Speaker of the House of Florida at the time) tried to pay him to rig election vote counts in South Florida.

(too bad he wasn't paid to hack this toupee?) ==>

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TSA Will Now Begin Restricting Batteries On Airplanes

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Effective January 1, 2008, passengers on flights will now be limited in what kind of batteries they can bring along with their electronic devices when they board airplanes or even in checked baggage.

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Little did this young Islandic woman know, the painful reality she would find herself in when, 12 years ago, she overstayed her VISA for 3 weeks in the USA.

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Report Shows Conclusive Proof 2004 Elections Were Rigged

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Ohio’s top election official, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, announced Friday that the voting systems that decided the 2004 election in Ohio were rife with “critical security failures.” There now appears irrefutable proof that the 2004 election outcome was fudged.

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Congress Turns Internet Into Police State

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Reason #34,261 To Not Use Wi-Fi: The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved a bill saying that anyone offering an open Wi-Fi connection to the public must report illegal images including "obscene" cartoons and drawings--or face fines of up to $300,000.

That broad definition would cover individuals, coffee shops, libraries, hotels, and even some government agencies that provide Wi-Fi. It also sweeps in social-networking sites, domain name registrars, Internet service providers, and e-mail service providers such as Hotmail and Gmail, and it may require that the complete contents of the user's account be retained for subsequent police inspection.

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Helen Thomas Reminds Us What Journalism Used To Be Like

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[News Media]
A snippet from a White House press briefing shows that there is at least one remaining journalist who knows how to ask important questions, despite the press secretary insisting that Helen's position in the press corps is a privilege and she shouldn't be asking tough questions...

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So You Want To Stop Terrorism But You Don't Wanna Go Outside...

Posted by ueberbill (11055 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A new initiative by the Department of Homeland security will allow you (yes, You!) to combat terrorism from the comfort of your own La-Z-Boy. How, you might ask, you fine fine patriot, you? Well, it's kinda like a cross between the Neighborhood Watch and the Gestapo.

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Kucinich: I Voted Against The Patriot Act Because I Read It!

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In one of the best moments of the Democratic Debate in Las Vegas, Kucinich took his fellow candidates to task for approving the Patriot Act and for giving the Bush Administration the benefit of the doubt.

The best part of the video is where Kucinich says, "IMPEACH THEM NOW!" despite CNN's Wolf Blitzer trying to cut him off.

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AT&T's Internet Tapping: Massively Unconsitutional and Illegal

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Chris Dodd sat down with AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein. He’s the technician who revealed that the NSA has secret rooms for sweeping up massive amounts of electronic communications on the internet.

Klein is calling on the Senate to not grant telecommunications companies retroactive immunity. He's also testifying to the scale of the Bush administration's electronic surveillance:

"Everything you could imagine you use the internet for flows through these cables. It's not only international traffic, but a huge amount of domestic traffic too."

Watch the video of Klein talking about why he opposes retroactive immunity.

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Revisiting "The Gore Exception" Supreme Court Decision

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As we approach the 2008 election season, it may be worth it to take a look at what happened in 2000 when the United States Supreme Court, in effect, halted the democratic election process and declared George W. Bush the winner. Attorney Mark Levine has an informative Q & A about this landmark court decision that may have forever changed the face of democracy in the U.S.

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Fascist America In 10 Easy Steps

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From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. And, argues the Guardian's Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all.

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Restore Habeas Corpus - Act Now!

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Awhile back, the creatures in Congress thought that it was no big deal to take away our basic rights, such as the right to being told what we're charged with if we're arrested, and not being detained indefinitely.

A new bill has been introduced, the "Habeas Corpus Restoration Act" which promises to restore these basic rights that were taken away. Do your political representatives support this law? You might be surprised.

UPDATE: Thanks for doing your part! It really helped. What? You didn't contact your representative? Well that explains why the measure failed.

By the way, if you think there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats, think again. Every single Democrat supported restoring Habeas Corpus. All but six republicans (Hagel (R-NE) Lugar (R-IN) Smith (R-OR) Snowe (R-ME) Specter (R-PA) Sununu (R-NH)) voted against it. All politicians may be slime, but the Democrats clearly seem to have a little more respect for the Constitution and citizens' rights - Let's NOT FORGET THIS COME ELECTION TIME!

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University of FL Student Tasered At Kerry Q&A

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During a political rally at the University of Florida, an excited student apparently abused his two minute allotment of freedom to ask John Kerry several questions about why he conceded the election early, why he doesn't impeach bush, and whether he is a member of skull and bones. The stunt got the student wrestled to the ground, tasered and arrested by no less than five cops. Yay Freedom(tm)!

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Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

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Alfonso Cuarón, director of Children of Men, and Naomi Klein, author of No Logo, present a short film from Klein's book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, chronicling how a government uses fear to impose an unbridaled level of free market capitalism that benefits their sponsors at the expense of human rights.

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Private Banking Files Are Private, Unless Bush Says Otherwise

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European banks have been bastions of privacy for quite some time. Swiss banks are of course the most famous, but banking privacy laws are pretty strict throughout western Europe (unlike in America, where Equifax knows more about your checkbook than you do). In possible violation of those laws, however, a Belgian banking consortium opened up their files to the CIA, and it may cost them--but not if the President has anything to say about it.

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Help Defend The Government And The Government'll Make You Suffer

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Many times, the only people who know about acts of government agency or private company fraud are the people who work for those entities. When they gather up enough evidence and courage, they step forward and become whistleblowers. For this brave action in service to their country, they get to watch their lives be ruined.

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Freedom's Watch...Watching Out for Who?

Posted by wizeGurl (10478 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

There's a new organization out there called "Freedom's Watch." (Useful rule of thumb: if a law or an organization contains happy buzzwords--freedom, patriot, America--look very carefully to see if what they're promoting is in any way related to those words. "Clean Skies Initiative," anyone? It doesn't sound like a bill loosening the restrictions on air pollution, does it?


All New US Passports Will Include Hidden RFID Chips

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Starting in 2008 all U.S. Passports will have an RFID chip hidden within them, allowing your personal information to be read secretly through the air without you even knowing. Can you do anything about that? Maybe.

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Passed: "Protect America Act" Pisses On Constitution

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If you e-mail or phone or otherwise contact anyone outside of the United States, you'll be pleased to know that now Congress has given Bush the power to tap your conversations without any court order.

Oh Wait, get this.. it's called "The Protect America Act."

The Senate bowed to White House pressure last night and passed a Republican plan for overhauling the federal government’s terrorist surveillance laws, approving changes that would temporarily give U.S. spy agencies expanded power to eavesdrop on foreign suspects without a due process.

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Bush Is Freezing My Assets Off!

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When it comes to actions taken by this administration, timing is everything. From making appointments when the Congress is away on vacation to releasing bad news when it will be least noticed by the mainstream media, they're pretty clever about it. For instance, if George W. had issued his last executive order before we invaded Iraq in 2003 then the Secretary of the Treasury would be forced to freeze all of his assets.

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US Wants Your Religion, Politics, Sexual Pref To Enter Country

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Highly sensitive information about the religious beliefs, political opinions, and even the sex life of Britons travelling to the United States is to be made available to US authorities when the European Commission agrees to a new system of checking passengers.

The EC is in the final stages of agreeing a new Passenger Name Record system with the US which will allow American officials to access detailed biographical information about passengers entering international airports.

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