Dubai Detains Dude For Dainty Doobie

Posted by ueberbill (12419 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

You know what you don't want to do when travelling through the United Arab Emirates? Carry drugs. Those affluent folk do NOT like narcotics of any kind. Unfortunately for Keith Brown, a British youth worker, he was carrying. The weird part is how much and where he was carrying it.

Mr. Brown was stopped by suspicious customs officials in the Dubai International Airport and searched. They must use some extremely high-tech equipment in Dubai because the customs guys found a piece of cannabis weighing 3 milligrams (that's .003 grams), which is smaller than a grain of sugar and would be invisible to the naked human eye, on the bottom of his shoe. Brown was immediately thrown into prison to await sentencing. That was last September and this week he was sentenced to four years in prison. That's 1.33 years per milligram of weed he was found with. Dubai does not screw around with such small-scale drug mules (a man was jailed for the possession of three poppy seeds left over from a bread roll he ate at Heathrow Airport)-- 'cause you let in a milligram here and a milligram there and pretty soon you have centigrams of narcotics all over the damn place.


Posted by Anonymous on 2008-02-09 15:54:48
oh shit that sucks! 4 years! and he's been in there since september, wtf are these people for real!!!
Thats insane!!!
Posted by tony on 2008-02-12 06:09:55
what about the british embassy, the british government?? they immediately should help him
I Know Things
Posted by elise on 2008-02-20 16:32:42
that is insane! how could they even be that uptight? I'm suspicious that it was a phony charge and they just wanted to harass him. on the bottom of his SHOE?! no one would or even Could smoke that thereby negating the use as a narcotic. it is not a drug if it has no effect! we need to help this guy NOW!!
What do you think
Posted by Anon on 2008-02-21 11:51:10
coming form a country that sees Michael Jackson as a saviour.

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