Kucinich: I Voted Against The Patriot Act Because I Read It!

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In one of the best moments of the Democratic Debate in Las Vegas, Kucinich took his fellow candidates to task for approving the Patriot Act and for giving the Bush Administration the benefit of the doubt.

The best part of the video is where Kucinich says, "IMPEACH THEM NOW!" despite CNN's Wolf Blitzer trying to cut him off.

Dennis Kucinich never gets enough credit and is far too often marginalized at these debates, with laughs generated at his expense with questions about UFOs, but this question he hit out of the park. His integrity and honesty cuts like a knife here. For instance when Blitzer mentions that Kucinich was one of the only congressmen voted against the Patriot Act, he says, "That's because I read it." Check it out the clip.


Grow Up
Posted by An Adult on 2007-11-20 01:06:03
You guys are friggin unbelievable. You think this is hitting it out of the park? Ranting "Impeach them now!" over and over again?

More like left wing kookery to me.
Posted by Amanda Hugginkiss on 2007-11-20 01:49:43
I thought it was a pretty good response. I typically vote republican but it is nice for someone to say what they actually think without dancing around with political doublespeak. Of course he didn't really answer the question and instead addressed a previous question but that's typical. Candidates usually give a non-committal answer to a question, think about their response while they're asked the next question, and then double back to "fully address" the original question...
Speadin Love & Bullits
Posted by Chenneylovingheart on 2007-11-20 10:50:01
I believe his comments before hand were valid, although he may be a little bit kooky, it all can be forgiven because he has a really hot wife. Kusinch For President.
Not as Kooky as you think
Posted by Liberal and Proud on 2007-11-20 11:40:32
In the previous debate, Kucinich was asked about having seen a UFO, not a space ship but something flying he could not easily identify. He said he had, he also said Jimmy Carter had too. The Right wing bloggers jumped all over it as kookyness, however what he didn't mention and the bloggers failed to point out is that Ronald Reagan, the Republican Paradigm had admittedly seen two UFO's... go figure... Ronny Raygun
Posted by Pile on 2007-11-20 13:59:00
They want to ask Kucinich stupid, meaningless questions so that he doesn't have a chance to say stuff like what he said. Impeach the people already! That's what the majority of Americans want. The corporate media doesn't want that dialogue to come to the surface however.
Posted by John on 2007-11-20 22:54:09
"Of course he didn't really answer the question and instead addressed a previous question but that's typical"

He answered the question. He answers the question RIGHT AWAY and states that the person is owed an apology.
Posted by rwh on 2007-12-17 23:13:33
Hey Adult, there are a lot of better adults who don't agree with you.
lover of life
Posted by ggdassi on 2007-12-23 20:41:03
Dennis has honesty, courage and a plan for peace. he knows the constitution and will defend it. give Him a chance . give Peace a chance.
Posted by openmind on 2008-08-02 23:16:46
Mr. kucinich was right that he alone among all nominees voted against the patriot act. He is the only U.S. congressman willing to take serious action and not play politics. He is an inspiration and a great public servant.
Impeachment, please
Posted by nationalism kills on 2008-09-12 13:03:49
Impeachment is a very useful tool, meant to be used in the event of an administration committing abuses of power and endangering America. Examples would be orchestrating an attack on US soil which killed 3,000 innocent Americans. Also, presenting falsified information to the public in order to start an illegal war. Giving away trillions of dollars of tax-payer money to special interest groups like Haliburton and Lockheed-Martin. Allowing monopolies to destroy small businesses such as 90% of farmers have experienced, as well as allow unchecked shipping of our jobs overseas.

To AN ADULT: Have you been asleep the last 8 years? Have your coffers grown while the rest of the country enjoys the largest recession since the crash of '29? Unless youre a radical christian with a goal of Islamic genocide, what justification can you give for a false war resulting in the very REAL deaths of over a million humans. Hitler was "An Adult" too, asshole.
Posted by W.Castel on 2009-01-20 09:11:32
W.Busch,Chany. and Rumsfeld must be taken to Court, for the lying and betraying the Peaple from America, and the free World. It wars the most terrible eight years time on earth as his reign. Where are the American, to look for freedom to believe in the unites state again?
Posted by Dana on 2009-02-14 13:17:33
((QUOTE))Grow Up
Posted by An Adult on 2007-11-20 01:06:03
You guys are friggin unbelievable. You think this is hitting it out of the park? Ranting "Impeach them now!" over and over again?

More like left wing kookery to me.((QUOTE))

...and this drivel coming from another Constitution hating, right wing lunatic that hates America and everything it stands for.

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