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CourtsTo PepsiCo: Stop Calling Your Juice Products 'All Natural'

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[Faulty Products]
[Junk Food]
While government agencies like the FDA keep stalling on demanding rigorous scientific testing of numerous questionable ingredients, GMO foods, and the correct labeling of such foods, PepsiCo has recently agreed to settle out of court for $9 million over a class action lawsuit that claimed ‘natural’ and ‘non-GMO’ on their bottles was misleading since they are made with GMO ingredients, as well as synthetic and ‘unnatural’ items.


Food Network Recycles Fast Food Bits As Healthy Meals

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[Junk Food]
Her bio says, "A New York Times best-selling author, Ellie Krieger is a renowned registered dietitian specializing in nutrition and health communications. Her extensive work in the media has earned her a loyal following and national recognition as a trusted health professional."

Which further confounds people when they see that she's published recipes in Food Network magazine and on the web site recycling fast food products like the innards of Big Macs and Taco Bell Burritos and KFC chicken pieces into so-called healthy meals!


Ground Beef In Fast Food Now Contains "Pink Slime"

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[Junk Food]
Imagine what you've been eating the last few years (thanks to meat industry lobbyists) when you eat a McDonald's burger (or the hamburger patties in kids' school lunches) or buy conventional ground meat at your supermarket:

According to today's New York Times, The "majority of hamburger" now sold in the U.S. now contains fatty slaughterhouse trimmings "the industry once relegated to pet food and cooking oil," "typically including most of the material from the outer surfaces of the carcass" that contains "larger microbiological populations."

This "nasty pink slime," as one FDA microbiologist called it, is now wrung in a centrifuge to remove the fat, and then treated with AMMONIA to "retard spoilage," and turned into "a mashlike substance frozen into blocks or chips".

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De-Friend Ten People For A Free Whopper

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[Junk Food]
It hasn't escaped my notice that America's advertising industry continues to bundle product merchandising with insatiable selfishness between two sadism-seed buns. I thought I'd seen these campaigns peak with slogans like Twix's, "Two for me, none for you" campaign, or the myriad of commercials showing people making others suffer in tawdry amusement at the altar of materialism (My favorite was Toyota demonstrating how quiet their car's interior was by locking a passenger in the cabin with a light-sleeping flesh-hungry critter), but Burger King apparently went so far, even Facebook said "Hold the mayo!"

At the first of the year, Burger King released the "Whopper Sacrifice" application on the social-networking Facebook website, allowing Facebook users to dump 10 of their Facebook friends and get a coupon for a free burger. The application, which received widespread publicity, was used by 82,000 people to delete more than 230,000 friendships on Facebook.

On Wednesday night, David Swain, a spokesman for Facebook in Palo Alto, Calif., said the website had placed restrictions on the use of the application. Some concerns about privacy had been raised, because when Facebook friends were deleted, they were notified that it was because of the "defriending."

It's bad enough to have someone abandon you as a friend, but over a really bad fast food item? Isn't this one of the signs of the apocolypse?


Nutrition "Science" Has Hijacked Our Meals -- and Our Health

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[Junk Food]
Why would anyone need to write a book called In Defense of Food? If we can afford it and can get our hands on it, we eat food several times a day. Or do we?

According to Michael Pollan, most of what Americans consume isn't food. He calls it "edible foodlike substances." He also says that the way we consume it is not really eating. It's something we do pretty unconsciously as we work or drive or watch TV.

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Patton Oswalt Eats KFC's "Famous Bowl" And Lives To Tell

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[Junk Food]
If you think you've read a restaurant or food review before that amused you, think again after you find out what Patton Oswalt thinks of KFC's fast food monstosity, "The Famous Bowl"...

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Pepsi Announces New Flavor: Cucumber!

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[Junk Food]
This summer in Japan, those lucky Japanese get to cool off with the latest Pepsi creation: CUCUMBER-flavored Pepsi. What, what?

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How Much Caffeine Is There In Popular Soft Drinks?

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[Junk Food]
Two scientists with Auburn University's Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Chou and Bell have pulled out the fancy-schmancy liquid chormatographer and decided to answer this question.

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8-Year-Old Weighs 218 Pounds

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[Junk Food]
[Bad Parents]
A mother who feared she might lose custody of her obese 8-year-old son unless he lost weight was allowed to keep the boy after striking a deal Tuesday with social workers to safeguard his welfare.

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McDonald's Fast Food Freestyle

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[The "Buzz"]
[Junk Food]
This is what happens when you're hungry, but you're not *that* hungry...

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McDonald's Seeks To Patent Their Sandwiches

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[Junk Food]
McDonald's wants to own the rights to how a sandwich is made.

The fast-food chain has applied for a patent relating to the 'method and apparatus' used to prepare the snack.

The burger company says owning the 'intellectual property rights' would help its hot deli sandwiches look and taste the same at all of its restaurants.

One must logically assume then that the next step would be to patent the taste of cardboard and crap.

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Latest Over-The-Top Treat: Deep-Fried Flag

Posted by wizeGurl (11815 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
An art exhibit in Tennessee featured 40 American flags deep-fried in peanut oil, egg batter, flour, and black pepper. Though the flags contained more fiber and nutrients than your average deep-fried Snickers bar, deep-fried Coke, or deep-fried bacon cheeseburger, the director of the museum hosting the exhibit closed it less than 24 hours after it opened, citing the likelihood that it might cause "incendiary reactions."

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America's Fatasses Rejoice: Fried Coke is here

Posted by ueberbill (12607 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
A concessionaire has developed a gooey Coke-battered ball coated with Coke syrup and it's sweeping the state fair circuit. The "treat" has been a big hit at every fair it's been to so far and joins the ranks of such gastronomical wonders as fried pickles, twinkies, and PB&J's.

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Career Moves of the Rich and Famous

Posted by wizeGurl (11381 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
A fast-food worker in Louisiana shares with the world what she and her co-workers think of the people who make her paycheck possible.

Some of these rules are perfectly reasonable. (Why yes, you should order things that are available at McDonald's when dining at McDonald's, and you should be fully clothed while patronizing the drive-through.) Still, I'd have to say that her spelling, grammar, and disdain for punctuation alone (I have not altered her text in any way) may give us some clues as to why her career seems to be stalled in the drive-through lane. Her extreme devotion to customer service tells me that she'll go far; expect to run into her down at the Deparment of Motor Vehicles when she gets a bit older and wants a job with health benefits.

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News Flash: Sugary Drinks Make You Fat

Posted by wizeGurl (11405 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
Department of Duh Researchers have published a new study with astonishing results: guzzling large amounts of flavored sugar-water is making Americans fat.

Researchers say that just drinking one extra soft drink per day can pack on 15 pounds of unsightly fat in a year. Since Americans are drinking more of these beverages than ever before, they may have found one of the primary causes of the current obesity epidemic.

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Dress Like A Corporate Mascot; Get Free Food

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[Junk Food]
Today is Chick-Fil-A's second annual "Cow Appreciation Day" (otherwise known as Lets-get-some-idiots-to-promote-our-company-for-virtually-nothing day). What does this mean for you? Well, if you're willing to dress up like a cow from head to toe, you get a free combo to help fill the void in your otherwise empty life. And some goofballs at an advertising company show Chick-Fil-A they can convince people to do just about anything for a 400+ calorie, 16g fat, MSG-doused, 1300mg sodium-laced, breaded and fried in peanut oil chicken sandwich.

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Chicago Bans Foie Gras

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[Junk Food]
Because all crime has been eradicated, streets are clean and well-maintained, schools are top-notch, and politics are honorable and above-board, the Chicago City Council has banned the sale of foie gras by restaurants and retailers.

Foie gras is being banned because to make it, geese are cruelly force-fed until their livers swell up to 10 times their normal size. This is so much worse than penning baby cows up so that they can't move and making them anemic so they'll make the tenderest, most delicious veal, or cutting off chickens' beaks so they won't peck each other to death in their overcrowded conditions. Yep, the other factory farming processes (probably invented in Chicago, the meat-packing capitol of the country) are so kind and humane, we don't have to worry at all about eating what they produce.

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McDonald's Food Sucks Even More??

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[Junk Food]
Not long after disclosing that its french fries contain more trans fat than thought, McDonald's Corp. said Monday that wheat and dairy ingredients are used to flavor the popular menu item--an acknowledgment it had not previously made.

The presence of those substances can cause allergic or other medical reactions in food-sensitive consumers.

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Japan Introduces Strawberry Milk Sausages

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[Junk Food]
In a bid to boost declining sales of fish-meat sausages, Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd. has come up with a new flavor designed specifically to attract children -- strawberry milk.

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McDonalds Pulls Insulting Chinese TV Ad

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[Junk Food]
A McDonald's television ad that showed a Chinese man begging for fast food has been taken off the air in China following complaints. In a statement faxed to local media on Wednesday, McDonald's defended the ad as an attempt at humor. Reports said viewers complained that the ad's depiction of a middle-aged man on his knees begging for a discount was disturbing because Chinese consider such an act a humiliating indignity.

No word yet, if being seen eating a filet-o-fish sandwich is considered even more of an indignity.

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New Ronald McDonald Promotes Exercise

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[Junk Food]
McDonald's latest ad campaign, launching this week shows a new svelt, fitness-guru version of their Ronald McDonald mascot promoting exercise and fruit juggling. Conspicuously absent from the new commercials are images of their food products.

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50 Peeps, 60 Minutes, One Moron, Still No Cure For Cancer

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[Junk Food]
In honor of Easter, and this bizarre associated manufacturing of demand for candied forest critters comes Carl Huber, an otherwise nondescript youngster with net access, bad judgement and an obsessive desire to have his fifteen minutes of fame. Congrats.

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New Orleans Flavor is Killer

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[Junk Food]
In a story coincedentally related to the fact that Louisiana ranks near the top in toxic pollution,
KFC outlets in China have apologized to customers and stopped selling "New Orleans" flavor roast chicken wings and chicken burgers after finding a seasoning used in the products contains an industrial dye linked to cancer. Of course, is the American media covering this? Nope but Canada is.

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Fries Give You Cancer

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[Junk Food]
The World Health Organization said Friday that people should eat less food containing acrylamide, a chemical associated with fried foods that has caused cancer in laboratory rats.

WHO called on governments to urge the food industry to "lower significantly" the acrylamide content in foods such as french fries, potato chips, coffee and grain-based products including bread.

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McDonald's considering gassing instead of electrocuting chikens

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[Junk Food]
In response to issues raised by activist groups, McDonald's is entertaining the idea of gassing chickens to death for food products, as opposed to their current method where they hang the chickens upside down by their feet on a conveyor and run them through a vat of electrified liquid. At least that's more humane than my idea of hooking up a plasma TV in the coop and making the chickens watch Jim Carrey movies.

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French fry vending machine

Posted by RantMaster (18136 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
Tasty Fries®, Inc. has developed a multi-patented vending machine that prepares, cooks and dispenses French Fries with the flavor, aroma and texture of freshly cut French Fries. Yum, made with Nestles' dehydrated then rehydrated "potato product!"

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Do you want a defibrillator with that?

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[Junk Food]
Hardees, with much pomp and circumstance has unveiled their new "Monster Thickburger", two 1/3 pound beef patties smothered in layers of cheese, bacon, mayonnaise and butter. At 1,420 calories, Hardee's CEO proudly proclaims, it's "not a burger for tree-huggers."

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More mad cows

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[Junk Food]
Ask your typical American and they're clueless to the fact that mad cow disease has ever turned up in the United States. Singular cases elsewhere in the world have prompted massive efforts to address this potential plague, yet the mainstream media has been hesitant to call much attention to the story for fear of upsetting their fast food benefactors. However, another case has appeared in the U.S.. With our obsession for protecting corporate interests over the health of the people, how bad will things get before something is done or the details are revealed?

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Wendy's fires "unofficial spokesman"

Posted by RantMaster (8424 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Junk Food]
Wendy's is officially saying goodbye to the character in their latest lame ad campaign, "Mr. Unofficial Wendy's Spokesman". Oh, it's so sad.


Leaked McDonald's memo: no fatties in our commercials

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[Junk Food]
McDONALD’S has been accused of super-sized hypocrisy after banning fat people from new TV ads.

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TGI Friday's new Atkinz-friendly menu

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[Junk Food]
A guy with way too much time on his hands decided to launch an interesting prank: creating his own funny versions of TGI Fridays' menus and swapping them out in the restaurants. Hilarity and copycat crimes ensue.

I recommend the Bacon Churner with Fauxtatoes!

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Twinkie maker files for bankruptcy

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[Junk Food]
Interstate Bakeries Corp. (IBC), the nation's largest wholesaler baker whose products include Twinkies and Wonder Bread, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection early Wednesday.

I'm thinking the problem was with the product itself. If you create a snack cake that tastes the same 200 years later, you might be damaging future business?

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