Pepsi Announces New Flavor: Cucumber!

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[Junk Food]
This summer in Japan, those lucky Japanese get to cool off with the latest Pepsi creation: CUCUMBER-flavored Pepsi. What, what?

The mint-colored soda is on sale just for the summer and only in Japan, Takemoto said. She said initial sales were brisk, and Suntory aims to sell 200,000 cases over the next three months.

One patron wrote: Pepsi Ice Cucumber officially went on sale today, and you should be able to find it in most supermarkets and convenience stores around Japan. While the bottle clearly describes it as “combination” of cucumber and cola, there just isn’t much cola flavor to it. The drink takes on a somewhat sweet and fruity flavor, but the artificial cucumber flavor is noticeable, in my opinion. It’s interesting for a few sips, but then the artificial cucumber aftertaste kicks in, making it pretty nasty. At the supermarket I went to, there was a huge dent in the Ice Cucumber display, which probably meant a lot of people bought a few bottles because of the novelty/hype. It will be interesting to see if its popularity lasts…


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