8-Year-Old Weighs 218 Pounds

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[Junk Food]
[Bad Parents]
A mother who feared she might lose custody of her obese 8-year-old son unless he lost weight was allowed to keep the boy after striking a deal Tuesday with social workers to safeguard his welfare.

The case has set off a debate over child obesity and raised questions about whether genetics, junk food, or bad parenting is to blame.

Connor McCreaddie, of Wallsend in northeastern England, weighs 218 pounds, four times the weight of a healthy child his age.

Connor and his mother, Nicola McKeown, 35, both attended a child protection meeting Tuesday with North Tyneside Council officials.



Posted by Alyssa on 2007-03-16 09:53:07
I think that boy needs to start excersising and like not eat for about a week. also, couldn't the mom like hide the food and you know the kid had to be inspired from someone.
Posted by Assy Mcgee on 2007-03-17 10:56:37
Put that fat ****er on a carrot and cellory diet.
Posted by Mr. Owl on 2007-04-02 23:41:50
Just buy healthy foods. He would have to eat something.

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