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Microsoft Windows Vista May Destroy iPods

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If you have an iPod, Apple is now recommending that upgrading to Microsoft's new Windows Vista may be a big mistake -- aside from the previous rants about the software nerfing your XP license, not allowing downgrades and other issues, the latest is, according to Apple, Vista could destroy your iPod!

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Aqua Teen Hunger Force Creates Terrorism Scare In Boston

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[Viral Marketing]
A television network's marketing campaign went badly awry on Wednesday, causing a day-long security scare in Boston that closed bridges, shut major roads and put hundreds of police on alert.

UPDATE: The two ad people responsible for planting the displays have been arrested and plead not guilty, and agreed to only answer reporters' questions regarding hair styles of the 1970s. Check out the video of the press conference and learn (about 70s hair styles, and how little a sense of humor mainstream media has).

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Bill Gates Touts "Microsoft Innovations" Apple Had Years Ago

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Here's a hilarious video on CNN where Bill Gates promotes Microsoft's new operating system, "Vista," as having a number of innovations that distinguish it from the Macintosh. Virtually everything he lists are "innovations" Apple has had available for two to six years!

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U.S. Army Now Recruiting Dead Soldiers

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In a recent desperate attempt to gain more troops, the Army sent out a form letter to soldiers and their families urging them to "re-enlist".

This also apparently included letters to the families of 75 soldiers who died in Iraq already, as well as hundreds more who were maimed.


If We Allow You Better Phone Service...The Terrorists Win!

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Consumers have no idea how reliable their cell phone service will be when they buy a phone and sign a long-term contract. The Federal Communications Commission could offer some guidance, but it won't. The agency refuses to make public a detailed database of cell phone provider outages that it has maintained since 2004.

The reason? Why of course, this would help terrorists. If for example, they wanted to blow the crap out of several hundred thousand cell towers across the country, this would help them do it. I feel safer all ready. "Can you hear me now?"

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David Duke vs. Wolf Blitzer

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The sparks flew the other day as CNN trotted out David Duke as an Iranian ally. You know the media is getting desperate when they're trying to associate the KKK with Iran. Congrats to CNN for being even more tasteless than Fox in this department. However Wolf Blitzer got more than he bargained for when Duke came out with both guns blazing. Watch the sparks fly.

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Noam Chomsky on the Iraq War

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Here's a good video of a Noam Chomsky lecture in Colorado in 2003 which outlines a lot of insightful information regarding the United States and the invasion of Iraq

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Torture Victim Wrongly on No-Fly List Gets Humanitarian Award

Posted by wizeGurl (10613 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In 2002, Canadian citizen Maher Arar was returning to Canada from vacation. What he didn't know was the the Canadian Mounties had given his name to the U.S. as an Islamic extremist with connections to Al Qaeda, even though there was no evidence of this and he was no such thing.

So when he made a connection at New York's JFK airport, he was taken into custody. He was held in the U.S. for two weeks, put on a private plane and taken to Jordon, placed in a car and driven to Syria, where he was imprisoned in this country known for its use of torture. He spent 10 months in a small, dark cell, being tortured by the Syrians on behalf of the U.S. government before they decided that he really wasn't a terrorist and let him go.

To make things worse, even though he had been released and exonerated in a Canadian judicial inquiry, he was placed on the no-fly list and remains there. So when an international human rights group honored him with an award for his work to prevent the use of torture, he was unable to fly to New York to accept the award in person--despite efforts by both the Canadian government and the human rights group to allow him to travel to the U.S. to attend the ceremony.

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60 Minutes Gets No-Fly List

Posted by wizeGurl (13669 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

CBS News Magazine 60 Minutes recently obtained a copy of the nation's No Fly List, a list of names of suspected terrorists given to airlines so that these people can be kept off your airplane. To protect national security, 60 Minutes will not be releasing the list itself, but it is releasing a few details. They found that the list is "incomplete, inaccurate, outdated, and a source of aggravation for thousand of innocent Americans."

For openers, the list is enormous. It's more than 540 pages long. Although before 9/11, the list of suspected terrorists banned from air travel was just 16 names, today's list has 44,000. Another 75,000 people are on an additional list of people the government thinks should be pulled aside for additional security screening.

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The Secret Letter From Iraq

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A Marine's letter home, with its frank description of life in "Dante's inferno," has been circulating through generals' in-boxes.

Written last month, this straightforward account of life in Iraq by a Marine officer was initially sent just to a small group of family and friends. His honest but wry narration and unusually frank dissection of the mission contrasts sharply with the story presented by both sides of the Iraq war debate, the Pentagon spin masters and fierce critics. Perhaps inevitably, the 'Letter from Iraq' moved quickly beyond the small group of acquantainaces and hit the inboxes of retired generals, officers in the Pentagon, and staffers on Capitol Hill.


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