U.S. Army Now Recruiting Dead Soldiers

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In a recent desperate attempt to gain more troops, the Army sent out a form letter to soldiers and their families urging them to "re-enlist".

This also apparently included letters to the families of 75 soldiers who died in Iraq already, as well as hundreds more who were maimed.

The US Army is to apologise to the families of officers killed or wounded in action who were sent letters urging them to return to active duty.

The letters were sent to more than 5,100 Army officers listed as recently having left the military.

But this figure included about 75 officers killed in action and about 200 wounded in action.

More than 3,000 members of the US military have died in Iraq since the war began.

Casualties have also been suffered in Afghanistan since the US invasion.

"Army personnel officials are contacting those officers' families now to personally apologise for erroneously sending the letters," the army said in a statement.

It said the database normally used for such correspondence with former officers had been "thoroughly reviewed" to remove the names of dead and wounded soldiers.

"But an earlier list was used inadvertently for the December mailings," it added.


How can you trust a post from someone that can't spell?
Posted by Speel Chek on 2007-01-08 19:42:39
Learn to spell
There are no misspellings
Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-01-10 00:59:21
There are, however, a couple of words spelled in the British form, rather than the U.S. spelling convention. But surely no one on the internet could possibly be from a country other than the U.S., and we should all be shocked and horrified anytime we find a spelling or grammatical error on the internet. There are so few of them.

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