Bill Gates Touts "Microsoft Innovations" Apple Had Years Ago

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Here's a hilarious video on CNN where Bill Gates promotes Microsoft's new operating system, "Vista," as having a number of innovations that distinguish it from the Macintosh. Virtually everything he lists are "innovations" Apple has had available for two to six years!

O'Brien: Frankly, a lot of what I see here, um, seems to mimic a little bit [Apple's Mac] OS X. Were you going after a specific look there, the Mac look, or?

Gates: No, no, no. Actually, uh, the, we're ahead [slight pause] on a lot, uh, there's whole areas where we've innovated like Media Center and tablet, uh, that, uh, no one else is doing and the parental control, that's the first time that's been done. Even in this photo area, you know, we'd love to have you compare how we've done, make it easy to make a DVD, edit high definition movies.

Mr. Gates, perhaps the reason that no one else is doing "innovations" like Media Center and tablet is because of your, uh, sales figures for those products?

As for the rest:
  • Parental Controls: Apple debuted Parental Controls in Mac OS X Tiger, released on April 29. 2005. That's nearly two years ago. (Gates yesterday spoke with NBC's Today Show host Meredith Vieira and tried out the same "parental controls" lie there, too, at 2:34 into the video here.)
  • Photos: Apple debuted iPhoto on January 7, 2002. That's over five years ago.
  • DVD creation: Apple debuted iDVD on January 9, 2001. That's over six years ago.
  • Movies: Apple debuted iMovie on October 5, 1999. That's over seven years ago. Oh, HD? Okay, Apple debuted iMovie HD on January 11, 2005. That's over two years ago.


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