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Seven Dumb Things About The World's Smartest Toilet

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
What happens when Kohler makes a $6,400 toilet? Someone has to make fun of it...

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Man Has His Thumbs Altered To Use iPhone

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Thomas Martel, 28, is a big guy. So he has a hard time using the features on ever-shrinking user interfaces on devices like his new iPhone. At least, he did, until he had his thumbs surgically altered in a revolutionary new surgical technique known as "whittling."

"From my old Treo, to my Blackberry, to this new iPhone, I had a hard time hitting the right buttons, and I always lost those little styluses," explains Martel. "Sure, the procedure was expensive, but when I think of all the time I save by being able to use modern handhelds so much faster, I really think the surgery will pay for itself in ten to fifteen years. And what it's saving me in frustration - that's priceless."

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HIV Vaccine To Enter Testing Stage

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A vaccine that is capable of delivering a double whammy against AIDS-causing human immunodeficiency virus by both providing immunity against the infection while at the same time destroying cells infected by the virus is ready for clinical trials, a group of Russian researchers announced.

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Cats and Dogs Protect Web Sites From Spammers

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If you've been online for any length of time you know that many web sites now have a system called CAPTCHA which is a "human recognition system" that tries to stop automated programs from posting messages online. This is usually done by tossing up an annoying image with distorted numbers and letters and asking a user to repeat the phrase. Sometimes even humans can't read the stupid images.

Enter Microsoft with their Asirra project. They're working on a new human-detection technology which also has the added benefit of promoting animal adoption. In combination with Petfinder, they display images of animals and ask the user to identify the difference between cats and dogs. This system is apparently much harder to defeat than regular CAPTCHA, and you could end up with a fuzzy new companion in the process!

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Cheap Cancer Cure/Treatment Found, Ignored By Press

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Researchers working at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, have discovered that an existing drug called dichloroacetate (DCA) is effective in killing cancer cells, while leaving the host's healthy cells unharmed. DCA has already been used for years to treat metabolic disorders, and is known to be fairly safe. Sounds like great news; is it too good to be true? Why is the mainstream news media failing to report on this potential breakthrough? Perhaps because the drug companies cannot get a patent on the substance and milk consumers' every last drop of savings?

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British Scientists Working On Creating "Zombie Cows"

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[Beating Dead Horses]
News that the daughter of a US clone cow has been born on a British farm has moved the issue from science fiction to consumer reality. While some are concerned about this bringing on a new crop of "farmyard freaks", scientists boast of the ability to create "zombie cows" which in-effect don't mind living their life in cramped spaces and ultimately being slaughtered for food.

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Study Shows 12-Step Programs A Dozen Steps Short On Success

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When Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs are examined in controlled studies, a new review reports, scientists find no proof that they are superior to any other intervention in reducing alcohol dependence or alcohol-related problems.

The researchers, led by Marica Ferri of the Italian Agency for Public Health in Rome, found little to suggest that 12-step programs reduced the severity of addiction any more than any other intervention. And no data showed that 12-step interventions were any more or any less successful in increasing the number of people who stayed in treatment or reducing the number who relapsed after being sober.

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Night Lights Give You Cancer?

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Scientists at the National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in the United States have been doing research that reveals that exposure to light at night is a significant cause of some types of cancer.

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Weed Sap Cures Skin Cancer?

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Early clinical trials of a new gel to treat skin cancer have returned promising results.

The gel can be rubbed on to the skin to treat certain types of skin cancer.

Initial trials show just two applications of the gel on two consecutive days cleared up 71 per cent of basal cell carcinomas, or BCCs, the most common type of skin cancer.

The most interesting aspect is the basis for this gel is the sap of a common garden weed, petty spurge. This must really piss off big pharma unless they can figure out a way to "own" the rights to the plant.

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Science Gives Us Fluorescent Pigs

Posted by wizeGurl (11819 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
Just when you thought medical science would never produce anything useful, like a cure for cancer or Viagra for women, this news comes out of Taiwan. Scientists there have succeeded in creating transgenic glow-in-the-dark pigs.

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