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Latest Windows Update Adds Vulnerability To Firefox

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In an incredible act of hubris, the latest Windows Update patch secretly installs a plug in to Firefox what implements the exact kinds of vulnerabilities that prompted users to abandon Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser!


The Matrix Runs On Windows XP?

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Who knew? The Matrix runs on Windows...

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Dell Bundles Windows XP as "Windows Vista Bonus"

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[Faulty Products]
In an amusing attempt to get around Microsoft's attempt to force dealers to stop selling XP and force users to adopt their profoundly crappy new operating system, Windows Vista, Dell has managed to continue bundling Windows XP with certain systems under the name "Windows Vista Bonus."


Windows Vista Protection System Doesn't Offer Much Protection

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Microsoft Windows latest version, Vista, supposedly provides a "much more secure" environment to make using your computer safer. In Vista, MS has created a new scheme where Microsoft-approved applications are "protected" and cannot be altered or tampered with by other applications. You might think this is a nice security feature, but many feel this was done mainly as a way to integrate DRM (digital rights management) to keep people from playing songs and movies without proper rights.

In any case, Microsoft is playing Vista up as a big, more secure version of Windows.

There's only one problem... Hackers have already figured out how to circumvent Microsoft's security, and they can make their own malware run in protected mode so software like Antivirus programs can't remove it. Oh Goody! Microsoft's new feature can actually make it even harder to remove bad software from your system.


Unpatched Microsoft Security Hole Being Exploited Online

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Reason # 45,234,101 to switch to Firefox: Yet another major vulnerability in Windows which affects Internet Explorer and Outlook. Users can become infected by merely visiting the wrong web site -- no interaction necessary, or under Outlook, viewing a message. Beware!


Microsoft Windows Vista May Destroy iPods

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If you have an iPod, Apple is now recommending that upgrading to Microsoft's new Windows Vista may be a big mistake -- aside from the previous rants about the software nerfing your XP license, not allowing downgrades and other issues, the latest is, according to Apple, Vista could destroy your iPod!

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Bill Gates Touts "Microsoft Innovations" Apple Had Years Ago

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Here's a hilarious video on CNN where Bill Gates promotes Microsoft's new operating system, "Vista," as having a number of innovations that distinguish it from the Macintosh. Virtually everything he lists are "innovations" Apple has had available for two to six years!

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New Microsoft Anti-Spyware Tool Ignores Spyware

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In the wake of the availability of Microsoft's anticipated anti-spyware tool, closer examination indicates that Microsoft is ignoring their own rules for what classifies as spyware and what should be removed from a person's PC if found. Apparently major spyware purveyors have talked Microsoft into letting them off the hook, and there are rumors that Microsoft is in the process of acquiring a major spyware vendor itself.


Hotmail Users' Security/Privacy at Risk

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Microsoft took part of its MSN Web site offline over the weekend, after it learned of a flaw that could let an attacker gain access to Hotmail accounts, the company said.


Microsoft Funds Research Claiming It's More Secure Than Linux

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[Dubious Research]
Two researchers surprised the audience at a computer-security convention last month with their finding that a version of Microsoft Windows was more secure than a competing Linux operating system. This week, the researchers released their finished report, and it included another surprise: Microsoft was funding the project all along.

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