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Fox News Goes Nuts During Obama's First Day In Office

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[News Media]
John Stewart poignantly points out that the staff at Fox News have gone off the deep end in criticizing Obama's plan for America. It would be even more hilarious if it wasn't so sad.. let's watch..

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Bush's Eight Years In Office Explained In Eight Minutes

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[News Media] only Keith Olbermann can do..

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Anatomy Of The Not News Report

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[News Media]
BBC Analyst Charlie Booker shows us how the news media turns non-news into news, and creates epic tales of nothingness while getting an entire nation to stare, slack-jawed at a picture of a closed door for six hours.

This report leaves little doubt that news reporters are the 21st century version of roaches.

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Democratic Protesters Don't Show Fox News Any Love

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[News Media]
Check out this video of Fox News reporter trying to interview protesters at the Democratic National Convention... this made it to live TV?

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The FOX Is Wrong!

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[News Media]
Robert Greenwald has released a very amusing video styled after a popular game show to illustrate the degree to which the Fox News Network is making stuff up about Obama.

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Al Qaeda Mastermind Killed Last Week, Also 2 Years Ago

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[News Media]
CBS News reports, "One of al Qaeda's top chemical and biological weapons experts was killed in an air strike by a CIA pilotless drone in a remote Pakistani border region."

Unfortunately two years ago ABC also reported Abu Khabab al-Masri was killed in Pakistan.

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Help Contact the Media and Demand Coverage Of Impeachment

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[News Media]
Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich announced that his impeachment resolution against President George W. Bush will be heard before the House Judiciary Committee on Friday.

He's asking that everyone petition the mainstream media to COVER THIS HISTORICAL EVENT - we need your help! - contact names, numbers and e-mail addresses are here.

"I want to thank you for the support which you have given to my efforts to hold this administration accountable for taking us into a war based on lies, and for the destruction of the rule of law and the destruction of cherished Constitutional principles," Kucinich said.

He will make the case, he continued, that the President has violated his oath of office, violated U.S. and international law, has separated our nation from our Constitution, and has threatened the democratic core of our nation.

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April 25: National Helen Thomas (True Journalist) Day!

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[News Media]
In the wake of the latest exhibit of true journalism by what appears to be the only real journalist left in the Washington Press Corps, we proclaim April 25 HELEN THOMAS (True Journalist) DAY!

While other networks talk about steroids in sports or dogs who can ride a skateboard or American Idol, Helen Thomas is the only real news reporter left in the White House Press Corps.

More than a week after the revelation that President Bush knew and endorsed specific plans of torturing detainees, the media has been largely silent over it other than cursory mentions at best. But Helen Thomas isn’t about to go silently into that good night and becomes the first White House reporter to ask White House spokesliar Dana Perino about how the president could have lied multiple times that we do not torture only to turn around and admit that not only do we, but he approved of it.

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FOX Acquires Largest Internet Religion Web Site

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[News Media]
Continuing with their business strategy and focusing their marketing efforts, FOX has now acquired Beliefnet, the Internet's largest religious web site. It makes perfect sense. If you're likely to believe in God, you're probably an ideal Fox News consumer.

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Montel Williams On Fox Morning Show: Enough Heath Ledger!

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[News Media]
It's ironic that talk show host Montel Williams is the one to bring actual "news" to a show about news. Let's watch as he turns the Fox hosts' conversation from another hollywood actor who OD'd to more important social and political matters like soldiers dying in Iraq.

UPDATE: Montel Williams has lost his job because of this!!

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Helen Thomas Reminds Us What Journalism Used To Be Like

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[News Media]
A snippet from a White House press briefing shows that there is at least one remaining journalist who knows how to ask important questions, despite the press secretary insisting that Helen's position in the press corps is a privilege and she shouldn't be asking tough questions...

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Fox News: The Future Of News

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[News Media]
Take a look at this amusing overview of Fox news as only the Australians can describe...

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Olbermann On Fox News' Attack On Decency

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[News Media]
On Monday's episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Keith was joined by Brave New Films' Robert Greenwald to discuss the phenomenal success of their "Fox Attacks: Decency" video. Fox News repeatedly uses gratuitous footage of T & A even in stories which are totally unrelated. Get a look at the report about a serial killer in Daytona which Fox inexplicably juxtaposes with what appears to be some kind of wet t-shirt contest.

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CBS: Only A Handful Support Impeachment; Its A Bluff

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[News Media]
In reaction to Dennis Kucinich's bill to pursue impeachment proceedings for Vice President Cheney, CBS's Harry Smith called the effort a "bluff," that only a "handful of people" are in favor of impeachment and merely a political tactic to get a failing presidential candidate some attention... Watch this embarrassing hit-piece on a politician who is actually trying to do something about the administration's impending rhetoric for invading Iran....

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Concision In the US Media

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[News Media]
What is Concision? This is the notion that the American media has adopted that demands that details they provide in the mass media, and guests they invite to talk, must be able to make their points quickly and concisely.

What does this mean for you and the search for truth? Noam Chomsky has some wickedly brilliant insight...

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The Daily Show: Who's Exploiting The CA Wildfires?

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[Beating Dead Horses]
[News Media]
Jon Stewart takes an amusing look at who's exploiting natural disasters and who's suggesting terrorists might be at the center.

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Columbus Dispatch Cartoon Portrays Iranians As Cockroaches

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[Mean People]
[News Media]
So how far is too far in demonstrating how profoundly insensitive and mean-spirited a publisher can be? I think the editors of Ohio's Columbus Dispatch may have found a new low.

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Fox News Trumpets Iran War Drums

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[News Media]
Robert Greenwald has put together a shocking montage of Fox news clips clearly showing the network's attempt to lobby for another preemptive attack in the middle east. This time in Iran.

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Fox News Caught Hacking Wikipedia Entries, "Conservatizing" Them

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[News Media]
It's amusing that media like Fox News routinely make fun of Wiki as being an unreliable source of information. Now we know why: People at Fox have been systematically hacking entries in Wiki and removing/distorting facts.

This time they've been caught red-handed, with their pants down, thanks to Wikipedia's "liberally-biased" system that tracks all changes to the system and where they came from.

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Harvard Student Sells Out Classmate's Privacy For Publicity

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[Your 15m]
[News Media]
Who's Lucy Morrow Caldwell? She's the Harvard student who broke the story about Rudy Giuliani's 17 year-old daughter having the audacity to be a member of an Obama fan club on Facebook. Never mind that Giuliani might be Hitler in a dress, his daughter went out of her way to keep her life private, even changing her name online and refusing to talk to the press. This didn't deter Caldwell from virtually stalking the poor girl, exposing non-public information, and using it as a way of launching her wannabe yellow-journalistic career.

As a result, the online community is up in arms over whether or not turnabout is fair play, but at least one blogger has gone out of his way to "out" the lisping blonde from Harvard for her unethical activities.

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