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DEFCON Blows The Lid Off Undercover NBC Reporter; Sends Her Away

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[News Media]
Let's say you're a blond producer for NBC, and you think you're going to disguise yourself and infiltrate one of the country's largest conventions of computer hackers & security professionals and try to get people to confess to committing crimes.

What happens then, when you're sitting in the audience and they announce a fun new game for everyone to participate in, called, "Identify the undercover NBC reporter trying to make us all look bad."

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Sanjay Gupta's "Fact Checking" Needs Its Own Fact Checking

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[News Media]
In the wake of the scandalous appearance Michael Moore made on TSR, Larry King takes time away from his schedule of obsessing over Paris Hilton and lost white girls from rich parents, to address the conflict between Moore and Dr. Gupta's claim that Sicko has some "fact fudging".

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Michael Moore Destroys Wolf Blitzer Live On CNN!

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[News Media]
It's been three years since Michael Moore appeared on CNN, and he took full advantage of appearing LIVE in front of Wolf Blitzer to respond to the network's hit piece on his movie "Sicko" and call out CNN for their irresponsible journalism on the Iraq war and more. This is one clip you must see.

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Tommy Chong on Colbert Report

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[News Media]
"When a journalist asks Tommy Chong for commentary on breaking news, you expect a certain level of discourse."

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Fox News: Pay No Attention To That War

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[News Media]
On a winter day when bomb blasts at an Iraqi university killed dozens and the United Nations estimated that 34,000 civilians in Iraq had died in 2006, MSNBC spent nearly nine minutes on the stories during the 1 p.m. hour. A Cable News Network correspondent in Iraq did a three-minute report about the bombings.

Neither story merited a mention on Fox News Channel that hour.

That wasn't unusual. Fox spent half as much time covering the Iraq war than MSNBC during the first three months of the year, and considerably less than CNN, according to the Project for Excellence in Journalism.


Americans Can't Handle The Truth, So Pick Up Your Bibles Instead

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[News Media]
We reported on these types of shenanigans in Newsweek before. This time, Time Magazine shows the rest of the world one thing, and America something different.

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Cat Scratch Fever

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[News Media]
Some people really should pay attention to animals... What happens when a Fox news reporter uses a cat as a prop when the cat is obviously part of the liberal conspiracy? Find out.

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Church Upset At TV Station For Exposing Nasty Priest

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[News Media]
Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania is currently launching an appeal to have television station KDKA's license revoked because they had the audacity to promote a story regarding a local priest involved in a gay relationship caught in an adult book store.

The priest later committed suicide and wrote a letter taking responsibility for his immoral behavior. The religious organization apparently is upset because they could have saved this guy's life if they could have covered up this scandal before it went public? What?

So does this mean some group is going to blame E! television for Anna Nicole's suicide?

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Fox News Calls Barack Obama A Muslim Terrorist

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[News Media]
Yesterday, Fox News featured a segment highlighting a right-wing report that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) attended an Islamic “madrassa” school as a 6-year-old child, and failed to correct the false claim that Obama is Muslim. So now we have a major network inferring that a senator who is a presidential candidate is a Muslim and possibly a terrorist. How low can Fox go?

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Water Sprinkler Sends News Media Into Widespread Panic!

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[News Media]
The Port of Miami was hit by its second terrorism scare in two days Monday when a package that was to be loaded onto a cruise ship tested positive for plastic explosives. Authorities later determined it was just a box of sprinkler parts.

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Media Continues To Mislabel Foley & Hastert

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[News Media]
What happens when your political party seems to be completely filled with pedophiles and those who protect them? What can you do with an election looming?

If you're the sleazy, irresponsible mainstream media, you can do what Associated Press, Fox, and others have done--claim these scumbags are Democrats and hope it sticks.

You know things are bad for the Republican party--whenever one of them gets in trouble, their friends in the "liberal media" label them as being Democrats! Foley is a Republican!

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Study Shows Daily Show Has As Much News As "Real" News Programs

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[News Media]
The Daily Show is much funnier than traditional newscasts, but a new study from Indiana University says it has the same amount of meat on its bones when it comes to coverage of the news. The brand of news coverage Jon Stewart and the rest of The Daily Show's staff brings to the airwaves is just as substantive as traditional news programs like World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News.

Most of us think the Daily Show is a lot more informative than all mainstream news.

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NY Post Makes Fun Of Death Threats Against MSNBC Anchor

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[News Media]
[Mean People]
One would think journalists might not make fun of a high-profile industry colleague, in this day and age, receiving an envelope -- at home -- which contains white powder. But that seemed to be the case at the New York Post's "Page Six" today in reporting on an alleged incident involving Keith Olbermann, host of MSNBC's "Countdown."

Olbermann is not only a frequent critic of President Bush and the Iraq war -- he has been involved in a long feud with Fox News in general, and with Bill O'Reilly in particular. Fox News and the New York Post share an owner: Rupert Murdoch.

Olbermann has more to say on the issue, including how the New York Post may have interfered with a federal investigation. Check out his video response here where he says unequivocably, "We will not be intimidated by threats from the radical right."

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Why The American Media Sucks: In Four Simple Pictures

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[News Media]
Can it be so easily demonstrated why the American media has completely turned its back on journalism? Check it out... Here is the current cover of Newsweek across various areas of the world.

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FOX Launches "Crazy Clinton" Campaign

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[News Media]
To promote his new Clinton Global Initiative, a program to bring experts and nations together to solve social and environmental problems, President Clinton filmed an interview with FOX News's Chris Wallace.

Since this is Fox News, all didn't go according to what they told the former president, and Wallace ended up trying to assassinate Clinton's character by reinforcing the lies perpetrated by the right-wing smear "Path to 9/11." blaming Clinton for Bin Laden's attacks.

In this interview, Wallace opened the Pandora's box and Clinton refused to let him shut it--he lashed back at Wallace, Fox, and conservatives perpetrating a fraud and accusing him of being soft on terrorism.

Clinton's counter-arguments were specific, clear, and fair and balanced. So what does FOX do? Promote the interview as "Clinton Freaks Out"... [LOOK OUT! He's telling the truth. He must be crazy!!]. Watch the fireworks this upcoming week as the video is released. See the full transcript here.

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Don King: Fox News "Expert on Hurricane Katrina"

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[News Media]
Today on Fox News, Neil Cavuto devoted much of his show’s coverage to the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. To give the real picture of what’s going on, Cavuto brought in two “experts” on back-to-back segments — exercise guru Richard Simmons and boxing promoter Don King.

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Media Hoodwinked By Bosnian Pyramid Story?

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[News Media]
The world's oldest and largest pyramid found in Bosnia? It sounds incredible. The story has swept the media, from the Associated Press and the BBC, from papers and websites in the U.S. to those in India and Australia. Too bad that it is not a credible story at all. In fact, it is impossible. Who is the "archaeologist" who has taken the media for a ride? Why did the media not check the story more carefully?

Archeology magazine calls into question the credibility of the man making the pyramid claims, while others say that stone blocks discovered indicate it may have been man made.

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Colbert Skewers President While Neutered News Media Gape

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[News Media]
The White House Correspondents' Association Dinner was televised on C-Span Saturday evening. Featured entertainer Stephen Colbert delivered a biting rebuke of George W. Bush and the lily-livered press corps. He did it to Bush's face, unflinching and unbowed by the audience's muted, humorless response.

Click here for the "must see" video!

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Fake News

Posted by Clare (7009 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
WBRZ airs 'fake' news, says media watchdog The Center for Media Democracy and Free Press, a nonpartisan media policy group, cite Baton Rouge's WBRZ as a culprit in a 10-month investigation of a national "fake news" epidemic. Specifically, the sting focused on corporate-sponsored videos passed off as news. Investigators found 77 TV stations, including WBRZ, actively disguising sponsored content from General Motors, Intel, Pfizer, Capital One and others to make it look like their own reporting. More than a third of the time, stations aired fake news in its entirety as their own, the report said.

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"Recent Surge of Violence" Discovered in Iraq!

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[News Media]
The current administration recently reported that due to a "recent surge of violence", troop levels in Iraq will not be reduced any time soon. Democratic Underground began examining things more deeply and discovered that the "recent surge of violence" is much more than a recurring theme in the media.


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