Americans Can't Handle The Truth, So Pick Up Your Bibles Instead

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[News Media]
We reported on these types of shenanigans in Newsweek before. This time, Time Magazine shows the rest of the world one thing, and America something different.

This week, Time's cover story is an essay arguing in favor of teaching the Bible in schools. On the cover of its international edition is a story: "The Truth About Talibanistan," about the resurgence of the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan (and also, Pakistan), and how it's "the next battleground of the war on terrorism." The story is in the U.S. edition of the magazine but not on the American cover, presumably because Rick Stengel & co. think the Bible will do better newsstand.


Posted by Brian H on 2009-07-15 15:33:10
The contents of the Bible, totally aside from belief in its messages, is fundamental to comprehending most of Western civilization and literature. Much of the language and its basic images and analogies derive from Biblical stories.

Probably there is no other single work or book which is more important for knowledge of our culture. This is not a matter of religion; it's basic education.
jesuit oath
Posted by dean on 2009-07-16 09:11:16
everyone should learn about the jesuit oath
Posted by Get Real on 2009-07-18 12:04:19
basic education = the earth created in 7 days by an invisible man in the clouds 6000 years ago. Oh yeah its also basic to know that dinosaurs lived with humans. Children do not need an invisible means of support. Religion teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

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