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EU Fines Intel $1.4B For Paying Off Suppliers To Use Their CPUs

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Computer chipmaker Intel has been fined a record 1.06bn euros ($1.45bn) by the European Commission for anti-competitive practices, dwarfing the 497M euro fine levied on Microsoft in 2004 for abusing its dominant market position.

The Commission found that between 2002 and 2007, Intel had paid manufacturers and a retailer to favour its chips over those of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).

The Commission said that personal computer makers Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo and NEC had all been given hidden rebates if they only used Intel chips.

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ACLU Sues Over Human Gene Patents Curtailing Cancer Research

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Patents on two human genes linked to breast and ovarian cancers are being challenged in court by the American Civil Liberties Union, which argues that patenting pure genes is unconstitutional and hinders research for a cancer cure.

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Keith Olbermann: Obama Is Wrong And Selling America Out

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[Beating Dead Horses]
In the wake of the release of the memos from the Bush administration showing their fraudulent mandate for torture and disregard for domestic and International law, President Obama has claimed it's time to put that behind us. "No. You're wrong.", says Keith Olbermann, and he's not alone.

Perhaps one of his most compelling and powerful arguments, Keith shows how the nation has never "moved forward" without "fixing the mistakes of the past" first and foremost, and until that is done, the past is destined to repeat itself with even more heinous results. Best Godwin argument I've ever seen...

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The Truth About Gun Control And Partisanship

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
Ever since Obama was elected to the White House, conservatives and gun enthusiasts have been screaming about how likely Barak Obama is to take away peoples firearms. People talk of the "Clinton ban" which restricted assault weapons in 1994 and claim another Democrat in the White House is bad news for gun owners.

But is this truthful? Are Democrats more for gun control than Republicans? We examine historical and recent legislation to reveal that a lot of what people are saying is total BS...

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Do You Live In A Constitution-Free Zone?

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Did you know the Federal government has decided that if you live within 100 miles of a land or coastal border they have "extraordinary powers" to stop and search you? The ACLU has some info you need to know...

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The Story Of Tommy Chong - What The Feds Don't Want You To See

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Most people are aware Tommy Chong was sent to prison for being involved in a web site operation that sold drug paraphernalia to a state that prohibited such sales. They probably don't know the details of this or who was behind it. It's worth checking out...

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Behind The Scenes Of The Latest George W. Bush Pardons

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It was announced, and I'm sure this is the first in a string of many to come, a string of pardons by George W. Bush as he leaves office. We dive a little deeper into what these people have done. A very interesting group to say the least...

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EFF Sues Bush Administration For Protecting Telcos Wiretapping

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The Bush administration has said the American public can not sue the phone companies who have participated in unconstitutional, illegal surveillance of Americans. As a result, the EFF has filed suit against the Bush administration.

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Amy Goodman Arrested At Republican Convention

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Amy Goodman, much revered journalist and host of "Democracy Now", was grabbed by riot-suited policemen and arrested as she left the Republican National Convention - check out the video...

What's next? Helen Thomas waterboarded?

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Feds Say Air Fresheners Are Now Probable Cause

Posted by Pile (15781 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Federal appeals court ruled that motorists can be stopped for 30 minutes and searched if they are nervous and use an air freshener.

Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson. A federal appellate court ruled last week that police can delay a routine traffic stop as long as necessary to conduct a search for drugs. In its decision, the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld the validity of a thirty-minute traffic stop in Maryland because the arresting officer claimed the nervous driver had an air freshener hanging from his rear-view mirror and had previously been spotted driving in a run-down neighborhood.

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