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Sylvia Brown: Lamest Psychic Ever?

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[Psychic Dorks]
It goes without saying among people who are paying attention to reality, that psychics are frauds, but it's a sad testimony to how people want to believe this stuff when you watch this clip of Sylvia on Montel Williams' show. Here a couple struggles to find meaning in their daughter's mysterious death as Sylvia Brown puts her foot firmly in her own mouth on national TV.

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Surprise! Psychic Mercinary Was Wrong

Posted by Pile (9772 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Psychic Dorks]
Montel Williams' psychic pal Sylvia Browne told the family of missing Shawn Hornbeck he was dead shortly after the Missouri boy vanished - and later allegedly offered to help locate his body for $700 per half hour.

The popular TV clairvoyant appeared on the "Montel Williams Show" in February 2003, four months after Shawn disappeared, and told Pam and Craig Akers she believed their son was "no longer with us."

She also advised that his body could be found in a wooded area 20 miles from their Richwoods, Mo., home, near two large jagged boulders.

Shawn, now 15, was found alive and well last Friday, living just miles away with a man now charged with snatching the boy when he was 11.

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Underpass Virgin Mary Defaced

Posted by Pile (10026 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Psychic Dorks]
Thousands of fundamentalists are likely in a tizzy after their latest obsessive freak scene was defaced by a man who wrote "Big Lie" over the accidental shrine made of salt and highway detritous.

In the meantime, somewhere, someone has discovered a urinal stain in the image of Jesus. All hope is not lost.

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Uri Geller claims John Lennon saw aliens

Posted by Pile (9888 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Psychic Dorks]
John Lennon once had an encounter with aliens, according to phychic Uri Geller.

The legendary Beatle, who was murdered in 1980, told Uri he was visited by extra-terrestrials when he was in bed with wife Yoko Ono in 1975.

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