Underpass Virgin Mary Defaced

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[Psychic Dorks]
Thousands of fundamentalists are likely in a tizzy after their latest obsessive freak scene was defaced by a man who wrote "Big Lie" over the accidental shrine made of salt and highway detritous.

In the meantime, somewhere, someone has discovered a urinal stain in the image of Jesus. All hope is not lost.



Posted by Me on 2005-05-10 21:21:18
I believe in God whole heartedly but this thing with people looking for "signs" in salt and other stuff is ridiculous.
Dirty Virgin-a Mary
Posted by B.L.Sabob on 2005-05-11 09:04:59
I live right near this travesty. Idiots are still lining up to to worship even though it was painted over and is nothing more than the brown blot you see above that resembles a feces covered penis.

Religion is a social disease.
Posted by Wort on 2005-05-12 14:39:41
I guess you have to believe in something. It's sad that it's a brown splotch on the underside of a highway, but I guess it could be worse.
Posted by FGF on 2005-06-26 16:39:53
I believe in Jesus and God but not that the virgin mary is some altimate power. If these people want to praise this then let them be happy, but why go out and be a jerk, knowing what this will do to those believers. I think it is silly but way look for a way to be mean.
Another roman catholic freaktard show
Posted by Erol on 2007-01-03 15:02:18
These roman catholic morons never seem to amaze me. Same hilarious nonsense as the virgin mary blue berry muffin and the virgin mary cheese sandwich toast.

Well what can i say....



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