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Princeton Student's Suicide Note Reveals Tortured Life

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[Bad Parents]
Princeton Graduate student, Bill Zeller's life ended this week, by his own doing. But what marks his departure is probably the most cogent, expressful and poignant suicide note ever written. He wants to make sure this note does not disappear from cyberspace so we've posted it here...

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Keith Olbermann: Here Are Your Candidates For Tuesday!

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You want change? Keith Olbermann gives the conservatives a list of the up-and-coming leaders on the ballot Tuesday... here's your future Tea Party leaders..

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Homeopathy Confronts The Dragon's Den

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[Faulty Products]
The Dragon's Den is an interesting tv show that originally started in the UK. The show is based on the premise that would-be entrepeneurs pitch products and services to the "dragons" - a group of successful businessmen. Sometimes the ideas are good, most of the time they're bad, but almost every time, the inventor is sure they've found "the most awesome product ever!" In one recent case, a guy hawking "miracle cure water", the same kind of stuff you'll see routinely advertised on talk radio, comes up against the Dragons... Let's watch..


Al Franken Exposes Comcast Hypocrisy

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As Comcast seeks Congressional approval for their merger with NBC, Senator Al Franken notes that out of one side of Comcastcast's mouth they claim the FCC will keep them from abusing their almost monopolist status, and out of the other, their lawyers are claiming the FCC has no jurisdiction in enforcing their decisions.

It's refreshing to see a politician finally act appropriately when he's being blatantly lied to. And especially interesting to see the CEO of NBC, Al Franken's old boss, cow tow to him now that he's a senator.

I think Franken has probably blown his chances to host SNL.

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Christopher Hitchens Answers Internet Users' Questions

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Christopher Hitchens tackles an array of eclectic questions solicited from Internet users of the site Reddit. As a result you get some provocative and insightful questions and answers like what you won't see on TV.

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Rachael Maddow: The Decade Gave Her Show Its Mission

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MSNBC's Rachael Maddow discusses how her show evolved over the last decade and what service it provides to people seeking some clarity in the fog that is mainstream media.

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Healthcare Activist Released From Jail Against His Will

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On Thursday, Sam Pullen was arrested at the Los Angeles offices of the insurance giant Blue Cross. He refused to give his information to police and vowed to remain in prison until Blue Cross agreed to hear demands that it stop denying doctor-recommended medical treatment to seriously ill patients. Despite his resistance, Pullen was finally ordered released from jail on Monday, against his will.

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Everything Is OK

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Reverse psychology proves to be an effective protest technique in the hands of these ingenious Englishmen...

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How To Lose Your Faith In Humanity In One Easy Step

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Or at least of Americans... check out the video

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One Man Stands Up To The Wingnut Protesters

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When you think the left has no balls, take a look at this video of a single brave man who had the guts to show up at one of Glenn Beck's coalition of crazy people holding a sign that says, "Public Option Now!"

After being attacked and spit upon, he eventually completes his march through the protest with the help of several armed policemen. It's pretty amazing to watch the amount of hatred and vitriol spewed at this guy who is merely expressing an opinion.

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