Al Franken Exposes Comcast Hypocrisy

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As Comcast seeks Congressional approval for their merger with NBC, Senator Al Franken notes that out of one side of Comcastcast's mouth they claim the FCC will keep them from abusing their almost monopolist status, and out of the other, their lawyers are claiming the FCC has no jurisdiction in enforcing their decisions.

It's refreshing to see a politician finally act appropriately when he's being blatantly lied to. And especially interesting to see the CEO of NBC, Al Franken's old boss, cow tow to him now that he's a senator.

I think Franken has probably blown his chances to host SNL.


Only in Minnesota
Posted by GWL666 on 2011-01-09 15:14:10
Jesse Ventura and Al Franken, talk about hypocrisy; is it only in Minnesota? Well, not quite, Sarah Palin in Alaska.

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