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Christopher Dorner's Manifesto

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The ex-LAPD cop who was accused of going on a murder spree left behind a bewildering array of notes and messages some are calling his "manifesto". Here it is in its entirety...

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Romney: 27 Myths In 28 Minutes In Debate Against Obama

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Pundits from both sides of the aisle have lauded Mitt Romney’s strong debate performance, praising his preparedness and ability to challenge President Obama’s policies and accomplishments. But Romney only accomplished this goal by repeatedly misleading viewers. He spoke for 38 minutes of the 90 minute debate and told at least 27 myths:

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KONY 2012 - Antiterrorism Campaign or Elaborate Scam?

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What is the connection between an American independent filmmaker and a Ugandan guerrilla group leader? See the short film he made to explain, and watch one guy's attempt to, in no uncertain terms, change the course of human history... which some say is little more than a viral advertisement for a shady charity that favors one dictatorship over another?

And then what happens when the Internet proper does due-diligence on the filmmakers and fact-checks what's really going on in Africa? Is there just one bad guy, or a bunch, including several administrations using African warlords as a way to whip up military intervention to secure oil reserves?

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Jon Stewart: Our Founding Fathers' War On Christmas?

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Once again, it's that time of the year, where various wingnutty pundits pronounce the evils of a secular "war on Christmas" and how the fabric of their way of life is under constant threat because someone has the audacity to say "holiday" instead of "christmas." Jon Stewart explores this conflict, and investigates what the pilgrims and America's founding founding fathers had to say about it.

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Top Five Regrets Of The Terminally Ill

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[Lonely People]
Have you ever wondered if you knew your life was nearing its end, if you would have done things differently?

Here's what someone working in hospice care says some of their patients regret.

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Colorado Makes Bold Move To Curtail Corporate Influences

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In the wake of the Occupy Wall Street movements and the overhwhelming backlash against the "corportization of America" and the corruption of its political process, there may be some signs of actual change.

Boulder, Colorado adopted a resolution by a three-to-one margin, calling for the U.S. Congress to amend the U.S. Constitution to say that corporations are not people and money is not speech, and 6 Senators introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. Have corporations overplayed their hand - is the backlash now underway?

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On Wall Street The Revolution Will Be Televised

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Since Sept 17th, there's been a peaceful demonstration, "occupation" of Wall Street in New York City by people who are fed up with Corporate America running the country and society into the ground. While the mainstream media continues to ignore the issue, it's becoming viral online in a bit way. Watch the protests live online!

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Miss America 2011 Finalists: Should Evolution Be Taught To Kids?

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The 2011 Miss America finalists were asked the question, "Do you think evolution should be taught in schools?" Here are there answers state-by-state.

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Joe Rogan: The Problem In America Is Dumb People

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Joe Rogan lays out an interesting diatribe that explains why he thinks America is messed up...

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Egypt: We Will Not Be Silenced!

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Egyptian protester Tamer Shaaban has created a video that's going viral online as fast as it's getting flagged and removed. Check out this poignant illustration of what happens when the divide between the government and the people becomes too wide to handle...

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