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Short Toots

Posted by wizeGurl (14189 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Essential Factoids]
[News Media]
Residents perished, but Formosan termites survived Katrina just fine.

Right-wing French group serves pork soup to the poor to exclude Muslims and Jews. A crowd of soup activists chanted, "We are all pig eaters! We are all pig eaters!"

Red rain dumps alien bacteria from a comet over India, scientist claims.

At least 17 dogs in President Bush's security detail were put up at a five-star hotel in New Delhi; hotel staff were told to address the dogs by their rank, as "sergeant-major" or "lieutenant."

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A Tale Of Two News Stories

Posted by Pile (6566 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
On January 21, The Washington Post first broke the Monica Lewinsky story regarding Bill Clinton.

On December 16 the initial disclosure of the Bush administration's use of the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct domestic surveillance that has been widely described as an illegal, was made public.

MediaMatters has provided an interesting, well-researched piece showing how the major newspapers and mainstream media treated each story. How many articles were written in each case, where did they appear and how much content was publicized on the stories? The results are surprising.

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LA Republicans Launch Bumper Sticker Compaign Against Blanco

Posted by Clare (7633 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
In what appears to be the first shot of the next governor's election, the Louisiana Republican Party is selling a bumper sticker that read, "Don't blame me. I voted for Jindal."

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Fox News Throughout History

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[News Media]
Ever wonder what it would be like if Fox News existed throughout history? Check it out.

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Blacks "Loot"; Whites "Find" According to Mainstream Media

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[News Media]

A tale of two skin colors. Two syndicated news reports accompanied by photographs. One shows a black person with food taken from a store during the Katrina disaster, identified as a "looter." The other shows some white people doing the same, but characterizes their actions as "finding" items from a local store.

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CNN Showcases Trifecta of Dumbasses For Rita

Posted by Pile (6446 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[News Media]
As Hurricane Rita bears down on the Gulf Coast, CNN deploys not one, not two, but three idiot anchors to stand out in the storm-force winds and show us all that, yes folks, hurricanes are windy and wet.

Unfortunately, Anderson Cooper has yet to be decapitated by a flying sheet of tin. We're still waiting.

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Fox News "Terrorizes" Suburban Family

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[News Media]
A couple whose home was wrongly identified on national television as belonging to an Islamic radical has faced harassment, and police are providing special protection.

After the report ran on Fox News on Aug. 7, people have shouted profanities at Randy and Ronnell Vorick and spray-painted "terrorist" (spelling it "terrist") on their property.

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Just In Case You Forgot What Happened On Sept. 11th...

Posted by Pile (6497 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Beating Dead Horses]
[News Media]
The New York Times calls it "a rich vein of city records." Akin to gold??

Others might find such a characterization offensive and inappropriate. Whatever you want to call it, the city of New York is making public a large array of transcriptions and recordings of the pandemonium during Sept. 11th, as if any of us need to be reminded that people suffered and died. So be prepared to have your senses bludgeoned with a blitz of suffering, all ultimately designed to distract and lure eyeballs to commercial sponsors.

Already in "heavy rotation" is the recording of a New Yorker trapped under a fire truck, calling 911 from a cell phone, saying he won't be able to breathe much longer. Thanks for sharing CNN. Thanks for exploiting the suffering of thousands.

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White House's McClellan Does A Jig For Press Corps Over Rove

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[News Media]
Bush White House press secretary Scott McClellan shows his fancy dance moves as some of the press awaken from their groupthink slumber and actually start acting a little bit like journalists:
Q: Scott, can I ask you this: Did Karl Rove commit a crime?

MCCLELLAN: Again, David, this is a question relating to a ongoing investigation, and you have my response related to the investigation. And I don't think you should read anything into it other than: We're going to continue not to comment on it while it's ongoing.

Q: Do you stand by your statement from the fall of 2003, when you were asked specifically about Karl and Elliot Abrams and Scooter Libby, and you said, "I've gone to each of those gentlemen, and they have told me they are not involved in this"?

MCCLELLAN: And if you will recall, I said that, as part of helping the investigators move forward on the investigation, we're not going to get into commenting on it. That was something I stated back near that time as well.

Q: Scott, this is ridiculous. The notion that you're going to stand before us, after having commented with that level of detail, and tell people watching this that somehow you've decided not to talk. You've got a public record out there. Do you stand by your remarks from that podium or not?

MCCLELLAN: I'm well aware, like you, of what was previously said. And I will be glad to talk about it at the appropriate time. The appropriate time is when the investigation...

Q: (inaudible) when it's appropriate and when it's inappropriate?

MCCLELLAN: If you'll let me finish.

Q: No, you're not finishing. You're not saying anything. You stood at that podium and said that Karl Rove was not involved. And now we find out that he spoke about Joseph Wilson's wife. So don't you owe the American public a fuller explanation. Was he involved or was he not? Because contrary to what you told the American people, he did indeed talk about his wife, didn't he?

MCCLELLAN: There will be a time to talk about this, but now is not the time to talk about it.

At that point, the room went dark for a few moments and McClellan reappeared basked in an otherworldly red glow. Sounds of flames and screaming people could be heard off in the distance...

MCCLELLAN: David.. David.. David.. I told you before we weren't going to talk about this right now. How would you like it, if for example, I mentioned that your cousin who's in Iraq is currently located at Lat: 307.2 Lon: -122.4 and will be going out on patrol in an un-armored Humvee at 07:30 UTC? Or that as we speak, Rove is feeding a story to Fox and CNN on how your wife slept with ten black guys at Plato's retreat while you masturbated wearing Donald Duck pajamas? Don't make me show the video Dave.. don't make me. Be a good little reporter and ask how the President's dog is doing. By the way you're never allowed in this room ever again.

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CNN Calls Attention To It's Own Failure To Report News

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[News Media]
It's a shame we don't have a "cluelessness" category for this story, but one has to chuckle when CNN runs a story entitled, "Michael Jackson, Does anyone care?"

Ironically, CNN like all mainstream media, refuses to recognize that it's not Michael Jackson people don't care about, but the now-marginalized mainstream media, which still can't seem to figure out what is and isn't worthy of being reported.

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Newsweek: America is Dead

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[News Media]
Not more than a few weeks after Newsweek's disasterous story and related retraction over Americans flushing the Koran down the toilet and sparking religious riots in which many died, the "news magazine" runs an interesting picture in their Japanese edition.

The cover story shows an American flag, dirtied and tossed in a trash can, its staff snapped in two. The large white text reads, "Amerika ga shinda hi", which translates to "The day America died."

Right about now, every talk radio host is salivating. The big question is how they're going to tie this into a liberal conspiracy to promote hatred of America? To me it just seems to confirm that Newsweek is a crappy publication that has no taste or journalistic integrity, and their zeal of creating overhyped sensationalism transcends national boundaries.

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CNN Hails Nuclear Fusion As Oil Drilling Advancement

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[News Media]
A research group from UCLA has discovered a form of nuclear fusion. As exciting as the news may be and the exciting implications for new technology and alternative fuel sources, CNN didn't think this was a top story and buried it in their Science section of the web site behind other stories on exploding toads, cleaner air and discovery of an old woodpecker.

To make matters obnoxiously worse, CNN's version of the story stated, "This new way of making nuclear fusion could have potential uses in the oil drilling industry and homeland security.."

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CNN's Wolf Blitzer Says Liberals Can't Be Good Catholics?

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[News Media]
In what can only be considered yet another feather in CNN's ethical approach to news coverage, their favorite furry anchor Wolf Blitzer, on the topic of the Pope's death and introducing several guests questioned whether the catholic on the panel that is of a more liberal persuasion was actually capable of being a "good catholic." In the wake of this man's religious leader dying, he seemed to not be happy with Blitzer's casual moral judgements. Go figure?

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CNN Publishes Misleading Poll Results

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[News Media]
As usual, the editors at CNN seem to think that the American people are idiots. Maybe they are -- as reflected in this latest attempt to demonize democrats.

In presenting the results of a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, used a visually distorted graph that falsely conveys the impression that Democrats far outnumber Republicans and Independents in thinking the Florida state court was right to order Terri Schiavo's feeding tube removed. In fact, a majority of all three groups agrees with the court's decision, and the gap between Democrats on one hand and Republicans and Independents on the other is within the poll's margin of error.

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CNN: The Cheese News Network

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[News Media]
It must be a slow news day... CNN downplays apparently mundane issues like drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Social Security, Decreased life expectancy due to childhood obesity, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Italy leaving Coalition of the "Willing", Syrian intelligence agents leaving Beirut, Darfur genocide, Americans still without healthcare, lots of wars, dead soldiers and Iraqis and what is CNN doing?

Running front page stories about steroid-using baseball players that nobody cares about. This is the crap that our Congress wastes their time with, instead of investigating more substantive issues like: Jeff Gannon, Robert Novak outing Plame, Vote tampering in Ohio & Florida, non-existent WMDs, Enron/Haliburton/Cheney, POW abuse in Iraq/Gitmo, etc.


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War of the Words

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[News Media]
When is a "terrorist" not a terrorist? When is a "reform" a reform? New York Times public editor Daniel Okrent mulls some of the ways that language is used to spin perceptions in modern politics.

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British Press Call Attention to "Castrated" US Mainstream Media

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[News Media]
The British publisher Guardian has an excellent expose on the current state of the United States Mainstream Media, specifically in the wake of the Jeff Gannon/James Guckert controversy, which points to a more systemic, complete crippling of the free press, and Americans' ability to find un-tainted popular sources of important information.
On the internet, the mainstream media is derided and scorned. One question is dominating US newsrooms and television studios: ignored, scandalised and now corrupted, just what is America's mainstream media for anymore?

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Wall Street Journal Editorial on Bloggers

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[News Media]
The WSJ has a very interesting editorial on the power of Bloggers and the realization that the MSM (mainstream media) are now officially relegated to just another area of journalism, and a pretty inaccurate and pathetic one at that.

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FDR's Grandson & Others Demand Fox News' Brit Hume Resign

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[News Media]
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and former Social Security associate commissioner James Roosevelt Jr. examined how FOX News Washington managing editor Brit Hume and other pundits distorted a quote by Roosevelt Jr.'s grandfather, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in order to claim that the former president would have supported privatizing Social Security.

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Associated Press Falls for GI-Joe Hostage in Iraq

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[News Media]
[Dubious Research]
The Associated Press's Fact-Checking-Monkeys apparently let this one slip through: Iraqi militants claimed in a Web statement Tuesday to have taken an American soldier hostage and threatened to behead him in 72 hours unless the Americans release Iraqi prisoners.

It's a good thing we can get our news from reliable sources like the AP. We don't want our GI-Joes to be abused.

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