Wall Street Journal Editorial on Bloggers

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[News Media]
The WSJ has a very interesting editorial on the power of Bloggers and the realization that the MSM (mainstream media) are now officially relegated to just another area of journalism, and a pretty inaccurate and pathetic one at that.



MSMers Tower of Babel is crumbling
Posted by The Truth on 2005-02-20 06:06:08

There might be hope for you yet! The MSMer's tried to defeat Bush, but succeeded only in discrediting itself. Anyone who believes otherwise is a Michael "please have a heartattack' Moore fan, i.e. Nutz!

The Pew Center's post election poll showed a sharp decline in the credibility of newspapers and braodcast TV, and a sharp reliance on cable news, especially Fox (sorry for swearing) News, and talk radio.

So class, let's review the implications the Blog has caused. In other words, what hath the blogosphere wrought? The left blogosphere has moved the the DNC off to the lunancy of the farrrrrrrrr left, the right blogosphere has underminded the credibility (rightfully so) of the Republican's adversaries (CBS, ABC, NBC, etc) in the Old Media. Both changes help Bush and the GOP and spell trouble with a capital T for the DNC.

Yes my liberal friends, reality is here and it is beating the damn door down.

The Truth
Posted by Pile on 2005-02-22 18:31:31
It's not about liberals verses conservatives. Let me know when you figure that out; that the truth is not the exclusive property of any particular ideologically-oriented fan club.
Posted by The Truth on 2005-02-24 11:21:51
Yes the truth is not exclusive to the GOP, I just firmly believe as a former Demoncrat, the the GOP is on higher ground than the modern day DNC
Paul Simon once said..
Posted by Critic on 2005-02-24 14:04:42
One man's ceiling is another man's floor, which especially holds true when you're talking about the notion of GOP righteousness.
Hey Critic "Cracka Pleaz"
Posted by The Truth on 2005-02-25 10:32:39
Paul Simon is a pussy and his music sucks.

I am also very aware the GOP is NOT faultless. That being said, the modern day version of the DNC is a f*cking disgrace period!

Truman, FDR, JFK, and other late Democrats are no doubt turning over in their grave watching what this once great party has become......a of whining, complaining, Michael Moore loving, blame America, specifically the GOP and "right wing zealots" for all the worlds problems bunch of JACK ASSES!

I'll take the lesser of two evils which is unequivocally without a doubt the GOP.

So go ahead and take your Wellbutrin, open up a nice french wine, roll a doobie, turn on PBS and watch Bill Moyer the High Priest of Liberalism, and make your self a nice hot bowl of Shut the F*ck Up soup.


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