CNN Showcases Trifecta of Dumbasses For Rita

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[News Media]
As Hurricane Rita bears down on the Gulf Coast, CNN deploys not one, not two, but three idiot anchors to stand out in the storm-force winds and show us all that, yes folks, hurricanes are windy and wet.

Unfortunately, Anderson Cooper has yet to be decapitated by a flying sheet of tin. We're still waiting.

Hurricane Katrina Spares Sensationalist Media


Posted by ghostrider1150 on 2005-10-03 18:34:01
I'm waiting too, the weather anchors are freakin' idiots, and it would be priceless to see a palm tree whip down and squash, oh, say... all of them.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to watch Jon Stewart, but I imagine he had a field day with these buffoons.


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