Blacks "Loot"; Whites "Find" According to Mainstream Media

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[News Media]

A tale of two skin colors. Two syndicated news reports accompanied by photographs. One shows a black person with food taken from a store during the Katrina disaster, identified as a "looter." The other shows some white people doing the same, but characterizes their actions as "finding" items from a local store.


Posted by Henry on 2005-09-28 00:04:39
Look at how much mr. black took vs mr. white.
Posted by DS on 2005-09-28 14:53:19
Look at both Mr and Ms White with the backpacks they have on. They could have as much stuff as Mr. Black -- in either case, both parties have a lot of storage and there's no evidence to indicate one way or another whether that's loot.
Posted by SN Man on 2005-09-28 16:09:57
Aw, how cute. Even during a natural disaster, we still find time to be racist. How do you even 'find' supplies? You didn't buy it, no one gave it to you, you just found it, in good condition, with no apparent owner. Right. And the store you 'found' it from had a big sign declaring that everything in the store was no longer store property because a hurricane came through and whitey is hungry. FYI, retard, your dragging the bread through the water.
Posted by Bill on 2005-09-29 00:37:33
I Agree with DS. I don't see any evidence to support the idea that Mr. Black looted and the Whites didn't.
Walk a mile in his shoes?
Posted by turk_182 on 2005-09-30 04:34:43
I can't believe you *ss h*les the supermarkets windows are blown, out chest deep in toxic stink water, and omagod they stole food. Do you think the store would be open at the regular time in the morning. They are only trying to survive. If they were looting they would be carrying Rolex's cash, silver, or gold. Please forgive them for not dieing in the storm. The store owner is most likely going to clean up with a pay-loader. The store is probably insured for looting but not flooding. You would feel differently if you ever had to drag a 400 lb wet queen size mattress out through a door. The real looters are Halliburton and company.
kill the blacks
Posted by kkk on 2005-10-02 23:13:24
sucked in u stupid cunts shoot all black people they are scum
kkk should be shot
Posted by lmfa on 2005-10-03 03:56:24
your are such a f*cked up racist f*ck who should be shot.
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-10-03 09:09:09
Posted by torbica on 2005-12-06 11:27:40
this is so racist everyone should be treated equally


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