Hurricane Victim Expresses Gratitude to Cheney

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In an interview on MSNBC, a Mississippi resident who has lost everything interrupts an interview with the Vice President to express his feelings about the government's response.

Off camera, a protester shouts, "Go f--k yourself, Mr. Cheney. Go f--k yourself." The camera remains on Cheney while we hear scuffling in the background.

CNN's reporter asks Cheney, "Are you getting a lot of that Mr. Vice President?"

Cheney replies, "First time I've heard it."

Watch the video (wmv file).

Update: The man who expressed himself in this way was Dr. Ben Marble, an ER Physician with a newborn baby who lost everything he owned, and wasn't too happy with the way the administration handled things. (Him and several million others that immediately come to mind.) For his exercise of free speech he was tracked down by military police, handcuffed and detained.

For more on the story.

Details regarding the update.


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