17 Injured in Stampede Over Cheap Laptops

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[Mean People]
What started as a sale turned into a mob scene as thousands of people pushed their way through the Richmond International Raceway gates to buy a $50 iBook laptop computer from Henrico County Schools Tuesday morning. 5500 people stomped over old ladies, men in walkers and babies in buggies to line up to get a cheap computer.

There were only 5 police on the scene when the gates were opened at 7 o’clock. Seventy additional officers were called in including 20 in riot gear. Twenty-two firemen were also needed.

Despite the chaos, Henrico County officials insist there was ‘adequate planning.’ Paul Proto with Henrico County General Services says in preparing for the event, “all that was necessary was done.”



Posted by Samuel on 2005-08-21 06:02:37
I would go crazy too!.
This was to be expected. What are those old ladies and buggies even doing there. This is not just a 'fun trip.' Last year,COMPUSA did hold a huge rebate event with most of the items free after rebate. The event started at 5pm, and there was already a huge crowd in front of the door. If there were old ladies, buggies and little kids among that crowd, I am pretty sure something similar would have happened as well.

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