Anti-Gay Republican Revealed as Gay Child Molester

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Jim West, the fiscally conservative, anti-gay rights, anti-abortion, anti-teen sex Republican mayor of Spokane, Washington has been caught with his hand in the cookie-jockstrap, as he was exposed arranging dates on with what he thought was an 18-year-old man, offering him enticements such as trips and an internship to make it seem tempting to go out with a 53-year-old closeted politician. But wait, it's gets better...

But it was the multiple accusations about molesting young boys during his time as a Boy Scout troop leader that finally made the local news media look into the story, in all its sordid and shocking details.

The Spokane paper provides a whole series of articles about it, including interviews with some of his underage victims and a transcript of his discussion with what he thought was an 18-year-old potential date.

In light of the allegations, West has all but admitted he is bisexual. He also admitted frequenting a Web site intended for a gay audience. Many people are surprised to learn about West's sexuality, but that in itself is no reason to resign. West is not married. His private life is his own.

That said, West also must face the hypocrisy of his stances on gay rights as a state legislator and mayor. On several occasions, West voted against legislation that would protect gays and lesbians from discrimination. According to the Spokesman-Review, he supported legislation that would have prohibited gays and lesbians from working in schools and day-care centers.

As recently as last week, he opposed a Spokane City Council ordinance extending benefits to domestic partners of city employees.

The sad irony is West now seeks the kind of respect for his privacy and sexuality that he was unwilling to grant, legislatively, to others.

The Spokane paper used a ruse to learn more about West. The paper hired a computer expert who posed as an 18-year-old to communicate with West in online chats that included plans to meet in person and for the young man to seek an internship in the mayor's office.

Get all the dirty specifics

Washington Residents Cry for West's Resignation

Hey, some media still actually does "investigative journalism"


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