CSPAN viewers tell politicians to GET A ROOM!

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CSPAN viewers got a little extra this week as Rep. Rob Simmons talked about Iran's WMD program on camera, Reps Rick Renzi (AZ-01) and Katherine Harris (FL-13) cuddle in the background. That's ok though, they're married... but DOH not to each other!

Complete video is available as a bit torrent. If you don't have bit torrent installed, download it here.


Posted by wizeGurl on 2004-10-25 22:45:03
There's way too much arm-patting for two colleagues discussing the next vote.

Check out the body language, too. She's clearly hitting on him. I guess as a freshman rep she needs a powerful protector, like fresh meat in a prison.
Posted by RantMaster on 2004-10-25 23:22:59
The guy has something like twelve kids. He should have had his penis surgically removed awhile ago.

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