Sex & Politics

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Several organizations are doing what they can to make politics sexy again.

One of the more tame is, which encourages "young people everywhere to have sex with voters on Election Night, and to withhold sex from non-voters until the next presidential election." asks liberal voters to offer sex to likely Bush voters to vote for someone else. There's a nice contract and everything.

And Porn for Progress offers a pro-Kerry-themed porn video called Fahrenheit 69. All profits go to pro-Kerry grassroots organizations.

Signs of the end of civilization as we know it? Or a sign that young people do still care about politics?

And more important...where are the Republicans offering to trade sex for votes? Don't they love America?


One vote, One Night Stand
Posted by Pile on 2004-10-21 14:53:32
Now that's something I can get behind.

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